It looks like I may be in the market for a new home phone, and am thinking of one with added VOIP functionality. This made me wonder if there are any phones that offer some integration possibilities with the Loxone, as the phone itself could double nicely as a control panel for the smarthome.
I have found a few dect phones that run Android (Siemens, Philips), but the tend to run older android versions that are not compatible with the latest Loxone app. There are some IP phones that runs their own system: FritzFon looks somewhat interesting (but not android, so I'm not sure how much can be integrated), but it is unclear to me how many of the functionality is kept when you do not have a FritzBox (and my router is fairly recent and not up for replacement at this time). Siemens has some models that offer VOIP functionality but I'm not sure if they offer much integration with other systems. I also know that e.g. Invoxia has a landline/wifi bridge, which turns your mobile into a handset for the landline, but that sort of misses my point (I would prefer a device that is virtually always plugged in).
Perhaps there no point on looking for this, and the best option is just to go with a regular DECT phone and a cheap tablet or mobile, but I wanted to double check here beforehand.
So, any suggestions or options?