Relay Extension Outputs Not Switching

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    Relay Extension Outputs Not Switching


    hopefully one of you guys can help. I have a newly installed miniserver with two extensions, two Relay extensions and also two dimmer extensions.

    the configuration software has been loaded into the mini sever and all extensions are communicating correctly. When running the server the outputs on the relay extensions do not switch ?? The outputs on the standard extensions operate fine and both show as on when running in 'live' mode.

    any suggestions on what could be wrong ??
  • Christian Fenzl
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 31.08.2015
    • 11234

    Check in the status if all extensions are up to date (green)
    Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


    • Gast

      One of the first things I checked Cristian, I had a few issue to start with due to serial numbers not matching but now they are green and appear to be ok.

      any more ideas ?


      • duncan
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 28.08.2015
        • 313

        do the inputs of the extension work? if so, then its presumably a hardware issue with that extension. if the inputs dont work either, then its probably a wiring or configuration issue in which case i would suggest making a new config test file, search/add the hardware and add some config to test the outputs.


        • Muto
          LoxBus Spammer
          • 06.09.2016
          • 322

          Did you check in LiveView mode if those relays switch virtually (in Loxone Config)? Maybe it´s just an configuration issue


          • Gast

            Thanks for the responses guys. I got there in the end and it was down to school boy error !! I had accidently got the relay modules mixed up, what I idnetified as relay 1 was actually relay 2 when connecting to the server.

