Echo dot controlling Loxone

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    Echo dot controlling Loxone


    I got a German Echo dot (I live in Germany, although I don't speak German) and would like to control Loxone using it. I know it's possible:
    First Tests with new Amazon Echo and Echo Dot with Loxone Smart Home over Raspberry Pi 3 with HABridge installed.

    However, I have no idea how to actually send pulses into Loxone from the outside and if there's already some code available out there.

    Does anyone have any pointers?

    Kind regards,

    Paulo Matos
  • OmerBeg
    Smart Home'r
    • 27.08.2015
    • 89

    Zitat von pmatos

    I got a German Echo dot (I live in Germany, although I don't speak German) and would like to control Loxone using it. I know it's possible:
    First Tests with new Amazon Echo and Echo Dot with Loxone Smart Home over Raspberry Pi 3 with HABridge installed.

    However, I have no idea how to actually send pulses into Loxone from the outside and if there's already some code available out there.

    Does anyone have any pointers?

    Kind regards,

    Paulo Matos
    Hi Matos,

    you have to use an philips hue simulation software (HA Bridge v.3.5.1) on a raspberry pi. Take look here:
    EFH, Loxone, Loxberry & KNX


    • DellJoe
      Extension Master
      • 25.08.2015
      • 133

      Best is if you use a Raspberry Pi with Loxberry and follow the procedure in here (post 50)

      it is in german but i think you will get the point. Otherwise send me a message
      Loxone Miniserver, Loxone 1wire Extension, KNX Sensorik & Aktorik (u.a. MDT Glastaster), Loxberry (Wetterserver, 433MHz, Netatmo, HA-Bridge), Helios KWL, Amazon Echo, Netatmo Wetterstation, Netatmo Presence und viele andere Basteleien...

