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I've been using a LEDstrip in my bedroom for years now. This is an RGB (not RGBW) ledstrip. Since yesterday, it only show "green" anymore. It still responds to the commands of the visualisation, but I can only make it show green, albeit brighter or dimmer depending on which colour I select.
Setup is -> DMX extension in the cabinet and DMX dimmer in the bedroom itself, just before the led strip. This is "old type" of DMX dimmer, the ones Loxone doens't sell anymore (shown here).
I've checked, but no wires have become loose.
What could be causing this? I've already checked and it's not the LED strip itself. Is it possible that the dimmer has become faulty? Or could this be a pure software issue?
Ok, update on this : I've now decoupled the LED strip and connected each colour to the 24v power feed separately. The good new is all colours light up. So the LED strip is not at fault.
When I look at the settings for the DMX actuator, I can see it only uses channel 1. Could this be the problem? I seem to remember that, when using RGB, a channel for each colour is used, so shouldn't there be 3 channels mentioned?
How can I re-learn the DMX channels to the PWM dimmers. I've tried, but it doesn't work. As a matter of fact, it's no completely dead.
When I press the program button of the PWN dimmer, the led lights up 6 times, so it's using the correct mode (mode 6). But when I try to re-learn the pwm dimmer to the Loxone config (by pressing 5 seconds on the program button of the PWM dimmer), the strip only rapidly flashes for about ten seconds, that's it.
Could anybody tell me how I can re-program this DMX led strip/PWM dimmer please? The online manual is not clear at all.
Ok, update. I suspected the PWM dimmer to be faulty, and since Loxone doesn't sell external PWM dimmers anymore, I bought a Chinese one via Aliexpress. It arrived this morning, and I immediately installed it. The result: the led strip immediately kept showing white light. Strange, but at least it wasn't green anymore. Since it didn't respond to commands, I redid the programming in Config. Still no go. Then I got the idea that maybe the DMX extension was at fault and needed a reset of some sort, even though Config said it functioned properly. So I pulled the power from the DMX extension for 5 minutes and... presto, everything worked again! Yay!
The stupid part of this is course that now I don't know what fixed the problem: the new PWM dimmer or the power cycle of the DMX extension. Oh well, I really don't care: it works and that's the most important bit. I will continue using the new PWM dimmer though, since it's smaller and can be set up via dip switches (which I believe gives me more control).
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