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I have a question regarding dimming smaller voltage, which I need for smart glass film.
Loxone dimmer extender and dmx dimmer don't enable dimming from 0 to 60 VAC. I wonder if there exists another 3rd party device that could be connected to loxone miniserver and enables dimming from 0 to 60 VAC?
I have a transformer which has 220 V input and 60 VAC output but I would like to increase/decrease voltage through loxone sensors/app.
as far as I understand you have a 220 AC transformer with a 60 V AC Output.
Are you sure the device you want to drive will work at 50% of 60 V AC with only 30 V AC?
I doubt it. Moreover you should contact the manufacturer of the device if it supports dimming at all.
If yes, the manufacturer can submit you a application sample with component list on how to dim the device.
DIY shade and blind motors (Arduino compatible) are our specialty: 12v DC electric tubular motors are used for remote control of window treatment blinds and shades, mini blinds, skylights and home theater projector screens. How to make your own battery operated motorized window blinds.
This works at 12-40V and supports different states of transparencies.
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