This is maybe a bit of a personal thing, but I'm planning the functionality of my wall switches. I've been living in the flat with the current switches for 6 years but I feel some functionality is often not used and other could be improved. Most of my rooms have 4 available buttons, with short and long click functionality (knx), positioned inside the room near the door. I think it makes sense to keep the short/long press more or less on the same topic. Based on past usage I was thinking of assigning it something like this:
- button1,short: light in the corridor
- button1,long: all lights in the apartment off except for those in this room (very convenient, I have that now and use it a lot)
- button2,short: change thermostat operation mode (from home -> night -> away; not sure if this can be done in knx - I don't have this now, but setting the mode via the thermostat menu is cumbersome: press two buttons, navigate in the menu, press two buttons, use left/right to select the mode, press two buttons to confirm)
- button2,long: force radiator off (in one room I have two radiators controlled with the same thermostat, it is convenient if I can force one off; I figured it may be convenient to force a radiator off no matter what, e.g. in case of an issue.
- button3,short: light 1 in the room
- button3,long: all lights in the room off
- button4,short: light 2 in the room
- button4,long: ?
So button 1 would relate to lights not in the room, button 2 relates to temperature, and buttons 3 and 4 to lights in the room. I would have the functionality programmed in ETS, as I want to minimize the chain of devices. But I am thinking I could have button 4 long send out a knx address that will be picked up by the miniserver: this would allow me to reprogram that functionality in Loxone config. Perhaps something similarly for button 2 short.
Do you guys have some functionality that you consider very convenient (e.g. like my button 1, long)? Or functionality that you planned don't really use ? In my case I have two that I planned and that are currently implemented but don't use: I currently can switch off all the lights in the apartment, but never use that (apart from near the front door, but I mean I never use it from the button near the door of a room). Also, I currently can switch on all the lights in a room with one button, but never use it as usually there is one light that lights up the room enough.
Any comments?