Some renovations are planned in my apartment building and I want to check how I can modify some things.
In the building, the electricity meters are in the common corridor. As they will be moved (but still in the common corridor), a new cable to the apartment will be put. Is there any point in adding an additional cable (e.g. cat5/6) to be able to integrate some meter reading at a later point? If so, which cable would be the best option?
The second change is rather local: at the moment all inputs/outputs of my Loxone Miniserver are unused (all my controls are KNX). I was thinking of adding a button panel, e.g. the Gira TastSensor2 to the inputs (it is the only button system I could find that allows for addressing of the leds, so I could associated those with the outputs), just to give me a central panel with 12 buttons (yes? 8 digital + 4 analog used as digital) and 12 status lights that I can assign for whatever. The panel would match my lightswitches (Gira pushbutton3 knx). But any suggestions for other panels or status things?
The third change is a new doorphone system, but I don't know yet about integration possibilities. As it is a big apartmentbuilding, they will be installing a system for multiple apartments, and of course I have to go with what they offer. So first challenge is to try and learn what they will install, for sure I'll get back to this when I know more.