I'm thinking about purchasing a Loxone system for my house. But before I want to spend a lot of money I want to make sure my idea / target is possible.
I'm using a Stiebel Eltron WPC heat pump which I want to connect to Loxone by the ISG web device (modbus):
I want to control the heat / cooling over 3 seperate linving areas: (All aeras have floor heating with one on/off valve for each level)
Basement, only heating after activation by app
Living room, heating / cooling
Bathroom and bedrooms, heating / cooling
I want to install a Loxone climate sensor on each level.
Does anybody has some experience with connecting the Stiebel heatpump to Loxone and the use of the correct buildingblocks? Or better a example project?
Thank you all in advance!