I am planning my house set up
1 * AKS-2416.03
1 * AKS-2016.03
1 * JAL-0810.02
2 * BE-08000.02
2 * SCN-P360E3.03
3 * BE-GT20W.01
2 * BE-GTL4TW.01
2 * BE-GTL2TW.C1
Loxone server gen 1
So far I have configured the devices in the ETS and have set up the wall switches to turn on/off the lights.
Now is time to configure the loxone server and I am really stuck.
I have viewed the below tutorial
Do I have to change the whole concept for the switches? I have to set up a new address group for every parameter in the switch and when a button is pressed on the switch send it to loxone and the loxone to the AKS actuator?
Any help is welcome