New House - Loxone acting weird

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    New House - Loxone acting weird


    I have a brand new installation. Looks nice but I encounter a lot of issues, among them :
    - often I act on a touch nothing happen even if I had the noise of a click that confirm my finger works : I can sometime touch it fourth before having the light on …it is true for any part of the house and it is random

    - one light in peculiar act by itself … it looks more it is it’s touch that does it : I can found it on during the night while I turned it off going to bed …. Charming

    - i can sometime have only one tree light of a row of 2 or 3 not lighting … like it is lazy …

    On a short i Think I may have a bus tree issue or crazy miniserver ….

    if someone have any clue or hints it will be very appreciated

    I have found nothing special however it is recurrent but random issue

    in a general manner when insisting : every light or touch or nano2relay is working well ..

  • Labmaster
    Lox Guru
    • 20.01.2017
    • 2576

    Could be a Voltage supply problem.

    Do you use a own power-supply for the tree components ?
    Has the power-supply enough beef for all the tree components under any condition ?
    How is cabling be done, are there all tree components on one line ?

    Anyway, i would definitely search in this direction.


    • querex
      Extension Master
      • 14.07.2020
      • 177

      GND of multiple power supplies inter connected?
      Smart home : Miniserver Gen2, 2xRelay ext, 2xDimmer ext, 4xExtensions, Tree ext, Air base ext, RGBW dimmer tree, 13xTouch tree, 6xMotion sensor tree, 9xEsylux PD-C 360i 8UC, 15xValve actuator tree, 9xSmoke detector air, 4xSmart socket air , IR control air, Remote air, SDM630 modbus kWh
      Multimedia: MS4H on PI4 with 7 zones + Dayton Audio MA1240a, Epson EH-TW7100 + Onkyo TX-NR686 + IR repeaters
      Peripherals: Loxberry on PI4, Mobotix T26 doorbell, AVS TS85X-2 LED siren, Xiaomi MiJia 1S


      • Gast

        I have 3 différents tree lines with a 2x250W power supply for lights. Miniserver and extension have a loxone PSU with the 3 G D connected … I calculated
        it to be normaly way enough

        the issues occurs while I can have nothing on … for example in one room I have 2 tree leds and one PWM line … when I put it on by the touch sometime only one tree is one and the other remain off (why?) … I also have issues with my nano2relay for blinds …

        I do not see anything to do instead of disconnecting and redoing the connections one per one … however I assume if I had a wiring issue I won’t work at all not only having intermittent failures.

        Bus tree says lot of packages fails …


        • Gast

          So I did rebuild my entire tree wiring … looks a bit better … I disconnect some unused line that was for provision (no equipment connected at the end of the wire). Tree diagnosis is fully green on my three lines.

          i still hear one touch periodically beebing by itself.
          And had once only of the two nano2relay of blinds acting …


          • Gast

            It’s cool you managed to fix it. I also want to get Loxone smart house, and it’s nice to know what the possible issues can be. I still think this system is better than the others.
            I thought I would buy a house with a smart house system already installed, but such houses cost way more than regular ones, and I decided it would be easier to install it yourself. And Equity Release Bristol professionals also told me it would be easier to buy a usual house and then install a smart home system. I don’t need many components – just smart light and an automatic door in the garage.​
            Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 25.10.2022, 02:28.


            • garrylazaret
              • 23.11.2022
              • 2

              I had the same problem. I installed backlit switches, had to move some of the bulbs because of the renovation, redid the wiring. And I had to turn off the backlighting on all the switches. Since then, when I turn on the switch, I always see a spark. When I turn on the laptop, I get an electric shock. It's static electricity, I know. But when I start (I work with it all the time) it's like the processor speeds up and it doesn't electrocute me anymore. Is there an overvoltage? The laptop is often plugged in
              Zuletzt geändert von garrylazaret; 10.12.2022, 07:21.

