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This may seem like a simple question but I searched without finding an answer. Is it possible to VNC to the Loxberry from outside my home network?
Hallo, Das mag wie eine einfache Frage erscheinen, aber ich habe gesucht, ohne eine Antwort zu finden. Ist es möglich, VNC von außerhalb meines Heimnetzwerks an das Loxberry zu senden?
Christian, of course, thanks very much I can access the interface via port 80. I was actually hoping to transfer your TP LInk smart plug files to it (I have nothing to do at work) so opening 22 on the router should allow me to do that?
Thanks for all the help and suggestions. I opened port 22 and managed to get in using Cyberduck (I'm on a mac) after 5 or 6 attempts using the same login details. I then closed port 22, if anyone is interested I am using Google WiFi so can open/close ports from my phone.
Svethi, I could understand it very well although I am using Google translate permanently on this page to go from German to English. This does look a little odd when I first post as I usually post in English then German out of politeness, the German then gets translated back at me automatically when the post appears.... Anyway, I mentioned that it took a few goes to logon on successfully because I thought it odd that the correct logon details didn't work first time, I tried 'root' as user then went back to the correct details which worked just as I was about to give up and wait until I got home.
‚root‘ does not work because it’s forbidden. You have to use ‘loxberry’ as user and his password. Not the user that you have created at the first setup.
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