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I am trying to install the OctoSound library in a LoxBerry image. After it tries redimensioning the /boot partition (because it needs a specific kernel version), it fails due to insufficient space (or that's what it seems to be).
Would there be any possibility of making it bigger by default? Thanks!
I was looking more for a generic solution (increasing the size in the base image ). I format the SD card nearly every week (i tend to mess configurations, break internal stuff when testing, etc), and having to re-dimension the boot partition is an added step . To be honest I don't know what is it trying to put in there, but I suppose it tries copying the existing stuff to make a backup, and the usage rate is by default above 50% (so it does not fit).
But I understand it's not a sufficient reason to do so. I will try see if I can find a different solution.
We are about the problem, and LoxBerry‘s next image will have a bigger /boot partition, we agreed. But we hadn’t found a solution yet for running LB‘s, that runs fully automatic, that is generic enough, and stable.
Hello framp, we currently have an issue in LoxBerry-Core to update our users Pi to LoxBerry 2.0, and possibly RaspiBackup could help us out: Updating the Pi firmware leads to the problem, that (sin...
After that, you could create a new image with the new partition sizes.
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