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So I have this new RPi 4B with 4GB of RAM which is more than enough.
Not more than 1GB is used all the time:
But LoxBerry set swap to giant >5GB which seems unnecessary.
I'm considering disabling swap at all in care of the microsd card.
Whats the best way to do it?
Shall I set CONF_SWAPSIZE=0 in /opt/loxberry/system/dphys-swapfile/dphys-swapfile ?
Will this be overridden with updates or not?
Noch ein oder zwei Jahre mit Loxone und ich werde Deutsch sprechen ☺
Swapfile size is calculated twice as RAM is installed, but a maximum of 50% free discspace on /var. I would not put it to zero. This was the configuration in the past (around 1.0), and it ended up in lot of problems. I would suggest to leave it at least at 500MB or so.
If you change /opt/loxberry/system/dphys-swapfile/dphys-swapfile manually, LoxBerry should recognize your changes and should leave the file untouched.
Ok, thanks, I will set it to 1024 MB then, I believe it's more than enough in my setup.
One more question, not regarding swap in particular, but microsd card wear in general.
I try to keep my LoxBerry disk writes as low as possible (obviously).
Lately, I've discovered some write increase (from ~0.1 IPOS to ~1.8 IPOS).
I have narrowed it down to deCONZ writing requently to /opt/deconz/zll.db
I described my observations here: https://github.com/dresden-elektroni...in/issues/3271
but nobody answered and I doubt anybody will.
Perhaps deCONZ writes (or started to write) any state change to zll.db and I have a lot of Zigbee sensors and devices (~50).
So unless I'll find a way to tune deCONZ not to write it so frequently, there's nothing I can do about it.
I have figured out I might change ext4 commit setting instead.
AFAIK its 5 seconds by default and I believe its default in Loxberry.
I have all my RPis on UPS, so I'm not afraid of power outage.
So, Is it ok if I change entry in etc fstab from:
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