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I'm having a few problems with Influx/Graphana at the cutover of midnight. These are graphs that deal primarily with daily data that pull a 'Last' value from Influx for a given day. The installation is a direct install (not using the Loxberry Stats Plugin).
I've now set the Loxberry System Time to 'Using the Miniserver' instead of its previous setting of 'Using an NTP Server'.
Given that I have the Miniserver set to use the Loxberry as the Primary DNS Server, does that mean they are both looking at each other for system time?
Just wondering whether this might cause system time to drift or whether a Time Server should be defined in the Miniserver config?
No, DNS has nothing to do with time. With your setting time should be the same on LoxBerry and Miniserver, The Miniserver get the time from an NTP server and LoxBerry set it's time from the Miniserver.
There should be nearly no difference between them. You can check the exact time on LoxBerry on the console (use putty) with the "date" command.
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