Also Port 81 gib eine Fehlerseite aus.
MQTT geht auch nicht... aber der Notfall Webserver geht noch.
Was kann ich machen? Da muss irgendwas beim Stromausfall kaputt gegangen sein.
Stats4Lox Overfläche (Grafana) lässt sich auch öffnen. Aber meine Dashboards sind weg. Es sind nur noch die Standard Stats4Lox Anzeigen da (also, die mit dem aktivieren der Werte automatisch erstellt werden...)
anbei der HealthCheck vom Notfall Webserver (
Sub: check_lbversion Title: LoxBerry Version Status: OK (code 5) Desc: Checks the LoxBerry Version Result: Current Version: / No newer Release available. Logfile: URL: Sub: check_kernel Title: Linux Kernel Status: Info (code 6) Desc: Checks the current installed Linux Kernel Result: Linux loxberry 4.19.118-v7+ #1311 SMP Mon Apr 27 14:21:24 BST 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux Logfile: URL: Sub: check_arch Title: System Architecture Status: Info (code 6) Desc: Checks the system architecture Result: ARM / Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2^@ Logfile: URL: Sub: check_cputemp Title: CPU Temperature Status: OK (code 5) Desc: Checks maximum CPU Temperature Result: Current CPU Temperature is 45.1°C. Since last reboot the cpu never reached Raspberry's soft or critical temperature limit. This is fine. Logfile: URL: Sub: check_voltage Title: Voltage Status: OK (code 5) Desc: Checks the voltage of the power supply Result: No under-voltage nor system throttling nor capped ARM frequency detected. This is fine. Logfile: URL: Sub: check_readonlyrootfs Title: RootFS Status: OK (code 5) Desc: Checks if the RootFS is mounted correctly Result: RootFS is mounted ReadWrite. This is fine. Logfile: URL: Sub: check_rootfssize Title: RootFS free space Status: OK (code 5) Desc: Checks the rootfs for available space Result: LoxBerry's RootFS has more than 10% free discspace (AVAL 12.0GB/SIZE 28.4GB). Logfile: URL: Sub: check_tmpfssize Title: RAMDiscs free space Status: OK (code 5) Desc: Checks the ramdiscs for available space Result: All ramdiscs have more than 25% free discspace. Logfile: URL: Sub: check_systemload Title: System Load Status: OK (code 5) Desc: Checks the system load Result: The system load is: 1.36 1.03 0.42 1/179 1758. Your system has 4 CPUs installed. The load is fine - maybe LoxBerry is even bored :-) Logfile: URL: Sub: check_logdb Title: Log Database Status: OK (code 5) Desc: Checks the consistence of the Logfile Database Result: Init logfile database is ok. 218 log sessions with 2925 attributes stored. 33 logfiles are managed. Database size is 356.0KB. Logfile: URL: Sub: check_notifydb Title: Notification Database Status: OK (code 5) Desc: Checks the consistence of the Notification Database Result: Init notification database is ok. 19 notifications with 43 attributes stored. It contains 0 info and 16 error notifications.Database size is 28.0KB. Logfile: URL: Sub: check_miniservers Title: Miniserver Access Status: ERROR (code 3) Desc: Checks access to your Miniservers Result: Error executing the test: Could not query data (stopped at MS Miniserver: 500 Can't connect to localhost:81 (Connection refused) at /opt/loxberry/sbin/ line 1362. Logfile: URL: Sub: check_reboot_required Title: Reboot required Status: OK (code 5) Desc: Checks if LoxBerry or a plugin requests a reboot Result: LoxBerry and plugins do not require a reboot of your LoxBerry. Logfile: URL: Sub: check_loglevels Title: Plugin Loglevels Status: OK (code 5) Desc: Checks for debug loglevel Result: No plugin is configured for loglevel DEBUG. (Some plugins may have it's own setting) Logfile: URL: Sub: plugincheck_mqttgateway Title: Plugin MQTT Gateway Status: ERROR (code 3) Desc: Checks the status of broker and MQTT Gateway Result: MQTT Gateway running (PID 1471). Current status: Broker state: No connection to MQTT broker localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.. Config state: Configfile present. UDPIN state: UDP-IN socket connected. Could not get keepaliveepoch from your broker. Logfile: URL: