Loxberry 3.0 MQTT -> zigbee2MQTT

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  • joppejoppe
    • 30.07.2023
    • 1


    Loxberry 3.0 MQTT -> zigbee2MQTT


    This is my first massage in the forum.

    I hope I do this correcly and posting in the correct group, correct me if I am wrong.

    Sinds the new loxberry 3.0 my zigbee lights responding slow.

    the funny thing is: when I control in loxone only one light at a time, it wil turn on and off fast.
    But when I recal a sene in loxone the lights wil be turning on with a delay, and one after a other.
    It looks like the MQTT gateway can't keep up,
    When I look in the UDP monitor the messages are send directly with no delay.
    When I use the​ MQTT quick Publisher, And quiclky publish a few messages after each other, the light wil react normal at first, and then it wil strucle and cant keep up, after I stop sending massages the light wil turning on and off for a few seconds, so it still receiving the delayed messages or something.

    when i control the lights in the zigbee2mqtt plugin, it is perfect and very fast, so I don't thing it is a zigbee problem.

    in loxberry2 with the same setup everything was fast.

    Can someone help me where to look?

    Thanks in advance

    Kind regards,
    Joppe van Eenbergen
    The Netherlands

  • Christian Fenzl
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 31.08.2015
    • 11235

    Possibly you have subscribed too much, so that you get a huge load of data to the Miniserver. This will slow down everything.

    Check the Incoming Overview for the amount of data listed.

    You also can look into the Gateway log to see what’s happening.

    Regards, Christian
    Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine: https://www.loxforum.com/forum/proje...Cr-die-ukraine

