This is my first massage in the forum.
I hope I do this correcly and posting in the correct group, correct me if I am wrong.
Sinds the new loxberry 3.0 my zigbee lights responding slow.
the funny thing is: when I control in loxone only one light at a time, it wil turn on and off fast.
But when I recal a sene in loxone the lights wil be turning on with a delay, and one after a other.
It looks like the MQTT gateway can't keep up,
When I look in the UDP monitor the messages are send directly with no delay.
When I use the MQTT quick Publisher, And quiclky publish a few messages after each other, the light wil react normal at first, and then it wil strucle and cant keep up, after I stop sending massages the light wil turning on and off for a few seconds, so it still receiving the delayed messages or something.
when i control the lights in the zigbee2mqtt plugin, it is perfect and very fast, so I don't thing it is a zigbee problem.
in loxberry2 with the same setup everything was fast.
Can someone help me where to look?
Thanks in advance
Kind regards,
Joppe van Eenbergen
The Netherlands