Do I need to do "dietpi-update" every now and then?

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  • johnsmith_
    Dumb Home'r
    • 24.03.2022
    • 27


    Do I need to do "dietpi-update" every now and then?

    It's a bit confusing to me, whenever I log in via SSH, there's this line for example:

    dietpi-update   : Run now to update DietPi from v8.20.1 to v8.21.1
    Do I actually need to update dietpi occasionally, or should I only update Loxberry via the web interface and that will take care of this as well? (I'm on currently.)
  • Prof.Mobilux
    • 25.08.2015
    • 4713

    We do not care of any system updates. So if you would like to update, you have to do this by your own. Make a backup before!
    🇺🇦 Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:

    LoxBerry - Beyond the Limits


    • johnsmith_
      Dumb Home'r
      • 24.03.2022
      • 27

      Thanks! I don't actually want to do it, I just wasn't sure whether it's needed or not. As a first time Loxberry user it's a bit misleading that every time I log in via SSH there's this message saying I should update but in reality I shouldn't really do it.


      • drmckay
        • 02.06.2019
        • 9

        Hi Prof.Mobilux, 2 questions regarding updates (especially security related questions):
        - Are there any disadvantages in not updating the loxberry via dietpi-update ? (E.g. not fixed vulnerabilities/bugs)
        - Is it recommended to do apt-get update and apt-get upgrade from time to time or could this be a risk to break some loxberry plugins or the loxberry itself?


        • Prof.Mobilux
          • 25.08.2015
          • 4713

          We use the service "Unattended Upgrades" to keep the system up to date for security updates:

          To make sure we do not break the system, only security updates are performed this way automatically. So you do not have to worry about that.

          Running "dietpi-update" or "apt-get upgrade" will upgrade all packages. While in general this update should not break the system or a plugin, I cannot garantee this, because it's untested and up to the plugin author how he deals with that. So to put it in a nutshell: I just don't know.

          I would recommend to perform backups in a regular basis and always create a backup before upgrading anything.
          🇺🇦 Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:

          LoxBerry - Beyond the Limits

