ich hab da mal ein Problem mit dem MQTT Gateway auf meinem neu installierten Loxberry Version
Im MQTT Gateway unter Incoming Overview kommt einfach nichts an. Im Finder sehe ich Haufen weise MQTT Einträge.
Im Log sehe ich folgenden Eintrag:
Kann mir da jemand helfen?
Auszug aus dem Log:
================================================== ==============================
07.09.2023 16:26:30 TASK STARTED
MQTT Gateway started
16:26:30.531 INFO: LoxBerry Version ( is_hwmodel_raspberry_pi_3_3+_zero_2.cfg is_arch_aarch64.cfg is_raspberry.cfg )
16:26:30.531 INFO: Loglevel: 7
16:26:30.570 INFO: KEEP IN MIND: LoxBerry MQTT only sends CHANGED values to the Miniserver.
16:26:30.571 INFO: If you use UDP Monitor, you have to take actions that changes are pushed.
16:26:30.597 Reading plugin configs
16:26:30.599 Watching plugindir /opt/loxberry/config/plugins/miniserverbackup/
16:26:30.600 Watching plugindir /opt/loxberry/config/plugins/owntracks4lox/
16:26:30.601 Watching plugindir /opt/loxberry/config/plugins/text2speech/
16:26:30.601 Watching plugindir /opt/loxberry/config/plugins/text2sip/
16:26:30.602 Watching plugindir /opt/loxberry/config/plugins/unifi_presence/
16:26:30.603 Watching plugindir /opt/loxberry/config/plugins/weather4lox/
16:26:30.604 Watching plugindir /opt/loxberry/config/plugins/zigbee2mqtt/
16:26:30.604 trans_reread_directories
16:26:30.617 Trans_Name shelly_rgb&w: /opt/loxberry/bin/mqtt/transform/shipped/udpin/shelly/shelly_rgb&w.php
16:26:31.033 Trans_Name http2mqtt: /opt/loxberry/bin/mqtt/transform/shipped/udpin/generic/http2mqtt.php
16:26:31.203 Trans_Name moving_minmaxavg: /opt/loxberry/bin/mqtt/transform/shipped/udpin/generic/moving_minmaxavg.php
16:26:31.355 Trans_Name sort: /opt/loxberry/bin/mqtt/transform/shipped/udpin/generic/sort.php
16:26:31.509 Trans_Name php_jsonin_jsonarrayout: /opt/loxberry/bin/mqtt/transform/shipped/udpin/examples/php_jsonin_jsonarrayout.php
16:26:31.661 Trans_Name php_jsonin_jsonout: /opt/loxberry/bin/mqtt/transform/shipped/udpin/examples/php_jsonin_jsonout.php
16:26:31.816 Trans_Name php_textin_textout: /opt/loxberry/bin/mqtt/transform/shipped/udpin/examples/php_textin_textout.php
16:26:31.992 OK: Reading config changes
16:26:31.997 OK: MQTT Gateway topic base is loxberry01/mqttgateway/
16:26:31.000 OK: Performance Profile: 10% CPU usage
16:26:31.000 JSON Dump:
16:26:31.001 $VAR1 = {
'subscriptions' => [
'toMS' => [],
'id' => 'tuya/#'
'Main' => {
'use_udp' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
'expand_json' => '1',
'convert_booleans' => '1',
'resetaftersendms' => 13,
'use_http' => bless( do{\(my $o = 1)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
'cpuperf' => 10,
'msno' => '1',
'toMS_delimiter' => '|',
'udpport' => '11883',
'pollms' => '0.1'
'subscriptionfilters' => []
16:26:31.002 INFO: MSNR: 1
16:26:31.002 INFO: UDPPort: 11883
16:26:31.002 INFO: Connecting MQTT Server localhost:1883
16:26:31.003 INFO: Login at MQTT Server
16:26:31.003 INFO: Sending Last Will and Testament
16:26:32.007 Subscription tuya/#
16:26:32.015 Uniquify subscriptions: Before 11 subscriptions
16:26:32.016 Uniquify subscriptions: Afterwards 11 subscriptions
16:26:32.016 INFO: Checking subscriptions for invalid entries
16:26:32.016 WARNING: Skipping subscription 'id' => 'owntracks/#', (# not allowed in the middle)
16:26:32.017 WARNING: Skipping subscription 'owntracks/#' (# not allowed in the middle)
16:26:32.017 INFO: Ordering subscriptions by topic level
16:26:32.018 INFO: Reading your config about what topics to send to what Miniserver
16:26:32.018 INFO: Subscribing UniFi/clients/#
16:26:32.038 INFO: Subscribing loxberry01/mqttgateway/#
16:26:32.056 INFO: Subscribing tuya/#
16:26:32.074 INFO: Subscribing zigbee2mqtt/#
16:26:32.093 INFO: Subscribing }
16:26:32.111 INFO: Subscribing 'toMS' => []
16:26:32.129 INFO: Subscribing },
16:26:32.158 INFO: Subscribing ]
16:26:32.158 INFO: Subscribing {
16:26:32.158 INFO: Subscribing {'subscriptions' => [
16:26:32.196 OK: Processing conversions
16:26:32.196 INFO: Adding user defined conversions
16:26:32.196 INFO: Adding plugin conversions
16:26:32.197 WARNING: Conversion entry: Convert '{'conversions'' to '> [' - Conversion is used, but '> [' seems not to be a number
16:26:32.197 WARNING: Conversion entry: Convert ''enter' to '1',' - Conversion is used, but '1',' seems not to be a number
16:26:32.198 WARNING: Conversion entry: Convert ''leave' to '0',' - Conversion is used, but '0',' seems not to be a number
16:26:32.198 WARNING: Conversion entry: Convert ''Home' to '1',' - Conversion is used, but '1',' seems not to be a number
16:26:32.198 WARNING: Conversion entry: Convert ''Work' to '2'' - Conversion is used, but '2'' seems not to be a number
16:26:32.199 WARNING: Ignoring conversion setting: ], (a part seems to be empty)
16:26:32.199 WARNING: Ignoring conversion setting: } (a part seems to be empty)
16:26:32.199 INFO: Processing Reset After Send
16:26:32.199 INFO: Adding plugins Reset After Send
16:26:32.200 INFO: Processing Do Not Forward
16:26:32.200 Creating udp-in socket
16:26:32.201 OK: UDP-IN listening on port 11884
16:26:32.201 Creating udp-in socket
16:26:32.202 OK: UDP-IN listening on port 11884
16:26:36.011 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:26:42.015 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:26:55.896 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:27:01.008 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:27:07.010 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:27:13.004 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:27:19.011 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:27:25.011 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:27:31.011 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:27:37.009 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:27:43.009 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:27:49.008 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:27:55.003 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:28:01.006 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:28:07.003 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:28:13.006 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:28:19.005 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:28:25.004 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:28:31.013 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:28:31.412 INFO: Executing DNS reverse lookup
16:28:37.002 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:28:43.010 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:28:49.009 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:28:55.010 WARNING: No connection to MQTT Server localhost - Check host/port/user/pass and your connection.
16:28:55.027 INFO: Changed configuration files: /opt/loxberry/config/system/mqttgateway.json
16:28:55.027 OK: Reading config changes
16:28:55.028 OK: MQTT Gateway topic base is loxberry01/mqttgateway/
16:28:55.030 OK: Performance Profile changed: 5% CPU usage
16:28:55.031 JSON Dump:
16:28:55.032 $VAR1 = {
'Main' => {
'toMS_delimiter' => '|',
'udpport' => '11883',
'pollms' => '0.1',
'msno' => '1',
'cpuperf' => 5,
'resetaftersendms' => 13,
'use_http' => bless( do{\(my $o = 1)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
'convert_booleans' => '1',
'expand_json' => '1',
'use_udp' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' )
'subscriptionfilters' => [],
'subscriptions' => [
'id' => 'tuya/#',
'toMS' => []
16:28:55.032 INFO: MSNR: 1
16:28:55.033 INFO: UDPPort: 11883
16:28:55.054 INFO: UNsubscribing UniFi/clients/#
16:28:55.083 INFO: UNsubscribing loxberry01/mqttgateway/#
16:28:55.122 INFO: UNsubscribing tuya/#
16:28:55.150 INFO: UNsubscribing zigbee2mqtt/#
16:28:55.189 INFO: UNsubscribing }
16:28:55.218 INFO: UNsubscribing 'toMS' => []
16:28:55.257 INFO: UNsubscribing },
16:28:55.275 INFO: UNsubscribing ]
16:28:55.293 INFO: UNsubscribing {
16:28:55.312 INFO: UNsubscribing {'subscriptions' => [
16:28:55.330 INFO: Connecting MQTT Server localhost:1883
16:28:55.331 INFO: Login at MQTT Server
16:28:55.331 INFO: Sending Last Will and Testament
16:28:55.336 Subscription tuya/#
16:28:55.341 Uniquify subscriptions: Before 11 subscriptions
16:28:55.342 Uniquify subscriptions: Afterwards 11 subscriptions
16:28:55.342 INFO: Checking subscriptions for invalid entries
16:28:55.343 WARNING: Skipping subscription 'id' => 'owntracks/#', (# not allowed in the middle)
16:28:55.343 WARNING: Skipping subscription 'owntracks/#' (# not allowed in the middle)
16:28:55.344 INFO: Ordering subscriptions by topic level
16:28:55.344 INFO: Reading your config about what topics to send to what Miniserver
16:28:55.345 INFO: Subscribing UniFi/clients/#
16:28:55.363 INFO: Subscribing loxberry01/mqttgateway/#
16:28:55.381 INFO: Subscribing tuya/#
16:28:55.400 INFO: Subscribing zigbee2mqtt/#
16:28:55.418 INFO: Subscribing }
16:28:55.437 INFO: Subscribing 'toMS' => []
16:28:55.455 INFO: Subscribing },
16:28:55.484 INFO: Subscribing ]
16:28:55.484 INFO: Subscribing {
16:28:55.485 INFO: Subscribing {'subscriptions' => [
16:28:55.524 OK: Processing conversions
16:28:55.524 INFO: Adding user defined conversions
16:28:55.524 INFO: Adding plugin conversions
16:28:55.525 WARNING: Conversion entry: Convert '{'conversions'' to '> [' - Conversion is used, but '> [' seems not to be a number
16:28:55.526 WARNING: Conversion entry: Convert ''enter' to '1',' - Conversion is used, but '1',' seems not to be a number
16:28:55.526 WARNING: Conversion entry: Convert ''leave' to '0',' - Conversion is used, but '0',' seems not to be a number
16:28:55.526 WARNING: Conversion entry: Convert ''Home' to '1',' - Conversion is used, but '1',' seems not to be a number
16:28:55.527 WARNING: Conversion entry: Convert ''Work' to '2'' - Conversion is used, but '2'' seems not to be a number
16:28:55.527 WARNING: Ignoring conversion setting: ], (a part seems to be empty)
16:28:55.528 WARNING: Ignoring conversion setting: } (a part seems to be empty)
16:28:55.528 INFO: Processing Reset After Send
16:28:55.529 INFO: Adding plugins Reset After Send
16:28:55.529 INFO: Processing Do Not Forward
16:28:55.530 Creating udp-in socket
16:28:55.531 OK: UDP-IN listening on port 11884
07.09.2023 16:28:57 TASK FINISHED
================================================== ==============================