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Im Klartext von Modbus RTU auf Modbus TCP.
Die 5sec Beschränkung von Loxone ist natürlich weiterhin vorhanden.
Als Hardware hab ich das hier am Loxberry V1.2.0.2 eingesetzt: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01...?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Von der Beschreibung schaut es so aus als ob man einfach die Modbusvorlagen aus der Config weiterhin verwenden kann.
Hi, I'm author of the Modbus Gateway plugin. Unfortunately I don't speak German (only English and Czech). If anybody want to translate plugin into German or another language, let me know please. I'll add it into GIT repo.
If there is any question, please in English.
USB to RS485 converter cost from 1$ on Aliexpress so it's realy cheap.
Loxone closed ticket with recommendations to use own code to revert values. I reopened the ticket with several additional arguments. So let's wait for next answer ;-)
First: sorry for my english and important: i'm not knowing something about programming!
i'm unsing loxone with a modbus-extension, with this extension i am able to control 2 fan-coils, i get the sensor datas and i can send actor datas.
i also use loxberry and i installed your plugin, i have a digitus usb serial to rs485 converter and i placed a modbus server in loxone config, but i reach nothing! No sensor datas, i cannot send actor datas.
modbus extension parameters:
baud: 9600
stoppbits: 1
parität: no
timing: auto
manufactor of fancoils say:
baud: 9600
data bit: 8
parity: N
stop bit: 1
so i used in the plugin : 8n1
for sensor in modbus extension i use:
register for example: 70 (adress 40071 i do not use)
4 - Read input register(3x)
16-bit signed integer
for actor i use:
register for example 198 (adress 40199 i do not use)
6 - Preset single register
16-bit unsigned integer
i use in loxone under modbusserver the same parameters
can u tell me where my mistake by using your plugin is?
thanx for helping a "non-understanding but using great things" user!
Hello @gh_net ,
it's probably caused by order of registers. You can check checkbox "Order of registers" in loxconfig for register reading (4 - Read input register) but not for writing (6 - Preset single register). unfortunatelly Loxone don't want to support it in writing - see communication with @hismastersvoice above.
So one possible solution is to build this function into mbusd. I'm in communication with author of the mbusd.
My questions:
1) Have i install the 120 ohm resistor at the beginning (digitus usb serial to rs485 converter) and at the end (last fan-coil) or only at the end?
2) ist there some reason to see what i send an what i get? (with simply modbus tcp client 8.0.8 i only get 0B - gateway target device faild to respond - and this in every case of fail)
3) what parameters should i use in your plugin?
1) only at the end
2) Connect converter to your Windows PC and use Symply Modbus Master. Try to read register. If it's OK, it should be ok using Gateway too.
3) It depends on your modbus slave device setting
what is the status on this plugin?
I would like to use it on a Elsner P03/3 weather station to have the data available on the Miniserver instead of routing everything through the whole house.
ja das ist mir natürlich bewusst, was mir nicht klar war, ist ob das Plugin zusammen mit einem RS485 USB Stick als Gateway dient. Quasi ob ich von Modbus RTU der Elsner Station auf Modbus TCP gehen kann, was mir dann hismastersvoice ja bestätigt hat.
Müsste dann nur noch ein zweites Raspi kaufen, weil ich kein Kabel ins UG bringe von der Aussenstore her.
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