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But as I wrote before, the problem is that not all weather values are defined as system variables and I don't see a way to add custom system variables (like you can add in Weather inputs):
That's why I was looking to find a way to "fix" Weather service data pulled from the plugin.
But now I hardly see a way.
So I believe you'd suggest using values from plugin such as cur_w_dirdes, cur_tt_fl, cur_pr, etc?
Noch ein oder zwei Jahre mit Loxone und ich werde Deutsch sprechen ☺
Exactly. Use UDP inputs instead for everything else then temperature. This data is always up to date. No f*cking 60 minutes old data. I only use the system variable for temperature, because this way the Loxone App uses this data for displaying current weather in the upper left corner. All other values can be used from the UDP inputs.
Prof.Mobilux Thank you very much. I believe I finally understand how it works.
I've added all interesting UDP inputs and it seems to work fine:
Now I have finally exact current weather data in Loxone from a nearby WU station, and soon - from my own Wittboy weather station overwritten from FOSHK plugin.
Then I will use them in my diagrams and also assign to all available system variables.
Thank you very much again!
Noch ein oder zwei Jahre mit Loxone und ich werde Deutsch sprechen ☺
Anything i try to change on the "Server Settings" page and then i hit SAVE, it end up with this error bellow. Not sure which LOG file should i check
It's fresh new install of LoxBerry 3. Thanks
Software error:
Wide character in subroutine entry at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/weather4lox/index.cgi line 1229.
Depending of what you have done, report this error to the plugin developer or the LoxBerry-Core team.
Further information you may find in the error logs.
This LOG?
[Wed Jun 21 06:00:26.794538 2023] [core:notice] [pid 1026] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'
[Wed Jun 21 06:00:26 2023] index.cgi: couldn't open /opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/weather4lox/lang/help_en.ini: No such file or directory at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/weather4lox/index.cgi line 1398.
/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/weather4lox/index.cgi: LoxBerry::Web::readlanguage was moved to LoxBerry::System::readlanguage. The call was redirected, but you should update your program.
[Wed Jun 21 06:00:28 2023] index.cgi: couldn't open /opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/weather4lox/lang/help_en.ini: No such file or directory at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/weather4lox/index.cgi line 1142.
/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/weather4lox/index.cgi: LoxBerry::Web::readlanguage was moved to LoxBerry::System::readlanguage. The call was redirected, but you should update your program.
[Wed Jun 21 06:00:30 2023] index.cgi: couldn't open /opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/weather4lox/lang/help_en.ini: No such file or directory at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/weather4lox/index.cgi line 1142.
/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/weather4lox/index.cgi: LoxBerry::Web::readlanguage was moved to LoxBerry::System::readlanguage. The call was redirected, but you should update your program.
[Wed Jun 21 06:00:38 2023] index.cgi: Wide character in subroutine entry at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/weather4lox/index.cgi line 1229.
/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/weather4lox/index.cgi: LoxBerry::Web::readlanguage was moved to LoxBerry::System::readlanguage. The call was redirected, but you should update your program.
[Wed Jun 21 06:06:32 2023] index.cgi: Wide character in subroutine entry at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/weather4lox/index.cgi line 1229.
/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/weather4lox/index.cgi: LoxBerry::Web::readlanguage was moved to LoxBerry::System::readlanguage. The call was redirected, but you should update your program.
[Wed Jun 21 06:07:22 2023] index.cgi: couldn't open /opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/weather4lox/lang/help_en.ini: No such file or directory at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/weather4lox/index.cgi line 1142.
Seems like also " OpenWeatherMap" is not working...even API key is correct , even i created extra new one (just in case)
Tried WeatherBit
Visual Crossing
Where i'm able to SAVE, great...but would like to grab data from my local station
So therefor i've installed "FOSHKplugin" where seems i'm connected as on LoxBerry2 , but the weather is not yet showing in the Loxone App (Weather), is there anything else i need to do? Or just wait till it loads (not sure how fast is it)
Checked the Loxone and seems the "FOSHKplugin" is sending data from My Local WeatherStation to Loxone and Loxone is receiving them / UDP
Sorry for questions...but LoxBerry2 setup was some time ago and no clue what else might be wrong on 3.x version.
Seems like problem is with port? but no clue where i'm defining the 45000, In Weater app station is only the 8080, nothing else
olicat Maybe you could suggest what else to try? .06.2023 16:22:31 TASK STARTED eather4Lox GRABBER_FOSHK process starte INFO: LoxBerry Version ( is_arch_x86_64.cfg is_x64.cfg is_hwmodel_x86_64_vm.cfg )
INFO: Weather 4 Loxone Version
INFO: Loglevel: 7 This is /opt/loxberry/bin/plugins/weather4lox/grabber_foshk.pl Version
Make sure FOSHKplugin is running and is the correct address of the host running FOSHKplugin.
To test the availability of FOSHKplugin point your web browser to
Ich beziehe die Daten von openweathermap und aus meiner ecowitt Wetter Station. Nun ich habe min Loxberry frisch aufgesetzt und bekomme beim Speichern im Weather4Loxone immer einen 500 Fehler (Could not receive any data). Wenn ich die URL im Browser oder im Postman bekomme ich die Daten (inkl. 200 Status). Kennt das problem jemand?
Ja, habe ich. Habe ich was übersehen? Wenn ich den GET-Request mit meinen Parametern direkt ausführe, funktioniert es. Die Lizenz bzw. API-Key wird daher akzeptiert.
Chiten Dein LoxBerry kann keine DNS Anfragen auflösen, deswegen findet er den Host von OpenWeatherMap nicht. Da hast Du noch ein Problem bei Deinen Netzwerkeinstellungen.
Ein ähnliches Problem hatte ich bei der Einrichtung meines LB. Ich hatte eine feste IP vergeben und wie üblich die IP der fritzbox als DNS angegeben, das hat beim LB irgendwie nicht geklappt. Als ich den Google DNS als DNS eingetragen hab, ging alles. (Gateway ist weiter die Fritzbox)
Is there any limitation on Loxone
As even the Local weather station is somehow not working , i used WU option (data from my station to WU), but there are no data shown in Loxone UI Web / nor Android app
Hab grade dem LB komplett neu aufgesetzt und das Plugin installiert. Zum einen tauchen bei mir entgegen der Anleitung die UPD Pakete nicht im UDP Monitor auf, gehen aber wenn ich sie manuell anlege.
Zum anderen fehlen mit daten bei DFC0 oder DFC2. Wenn ich mit die HTML Liste (weatherdata.html) öffne, gibt es die dann auch garnicht obwohl in der Tabelle im Wiki bei Openweathermap ein Haken ist.
DFC0 sollte ja heute sein, DFC1 morgen -oder? Regenvorhersage für heute wäre ja hilfreich für die Bewässerung. cur_prec1h ist ja nur 1 stunde..
Die mm Angabe bei regen ist mm/h oder?
Auch sind unten in der HTML Liste werte wie calc+4_ttmax@19.9 , die in der Tabelle garnicht auftauchen.
freu mich über anregungen, Gruß, Oliver
Gruß, Oliver
Loxone seit 2012, 4x Miniserver (Gateway-Client), 7x Extension, 1x Relay, 3x Muti Extension Air, 3x Dimmer Ext., 2x Air Base, 2x 1-Wire/NFC, Tree mit 3x Code-Touch V2, DMX, KNX Wetterstation und div. KNX (heizungs)-Aktoren, 3x Hörmann Tormodul, Anbindung Denon HEOS, Mitsubishi Multisplit Klimaanlage, Daikin Klimaanlage, Dimplex WP, Zehnder Lüftung, 4x div. Kostal PV Wechselrichter + BYD HV und HVM Batterie, Fritzbox, Loxberry
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