Music Server Interface

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  • hismastersvoice
    • 25.08.2015
    • 7189


    Some other points to the Music Zone Block in Config.
    Can you implement the following?

    [WSCK] Received message: audio/cfg/defaultvolume/2/15
    [HTWS] Unknown command: audio/cfg/defaultvolume/2/15

    That set the Volume back to a default Volume after Zone(2) is stopped
    Vd at the Block

    [WSCK] Received message: audio/cfg/maxvolume/2/90
    [HTWS] Unknown command: audio/cfg/maxvolume/2/90

    That limit the max Volume of the Zone(2)
    Vm at the Block

    [WSCK] Received message: audio/2/sleep/300
    [HTWS] Unknown command: audio/2/sleep/300

    Set a Sleeptimer to Zone(2) with 300 sec.
    Sleep at the Block with time Ts

    Kein Support per PN!


    • hismastersvoice
      hismastersvoice kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      I implemented sleep now by myself. That was not difficult.

      But struggling with max and default volume.
      Any chance that you can look to this two parameters?

      Sleep was no problem to implement. but my Java is to bad for implement other things.
  • inswe
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 19.06.2016
    • 230


    When testing the beta version of the MS4L, it was noticed that the inputs "Vd" and "Alv" from the Loxone block "Music Server Zone" were not handled or forwarded by the MSG. Are you planning to implement the volume in the MSG?


    • inswe
      inswe kommentierte
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      Take a look at hismasters post. He was a little bit faster than me

    • hismastersvoice
      hismastersvoice kommentierte
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      Schau auf meinen Beitrag 3 Min. vor deinem... zwei Doofe und ein Gedanken
  • hismastersvoice
    • 25.08.2015
    • 7189

    I play a bit around with library...
    Is this completely implemented?
    How hast the json msg to look like?
    Kein Support per PN!


    • Saik
      • 29.05.2019
      • 9

      Good Morning,

      sorry if the question is obvious but i am new to loxone and i am learning.

      I am riding my smarthome little by little and at the moment I don't know many things.

      I am a computer scientist and would like to contribute to the development of some of the parts, so if you need help, just say so.

      I'm trying to install the plugin, but I don't see the way to communicate all the components.

      On the one hand, I have the LMS plugin (optional, it could be Sonos, Roon, etc.), MSI, Loxone and Squeezelite Player.

      I do not see the way to connect all these products, I do not know if I am missing any (I understand not) or if I have any left over. Could someone clarify this for me? Thank you very much, when I receive it I will make a tutorial for people who start again like me.

      I have the doubt of how to relate the zones of my lms with the zones in loxone config, could someone explain this to me?

      Thank you very much for everything.

      Sorry for my English, it's from Google Translate
      Zuletzt geändert von Saik; 19.07.2020, 10:20.


      • humseb
        • 01.05.2017
        • 4


        its impossible install node.js on a raspberry 3 to start the http server and run MSG?



        • Lenardo
          MS Profi
          • 25.08.2015
          • 602

          Ich hänge auch an dem Punkt das MSG zu installieren, den Server über node,js starten geht, aber wo müssen da die Dateien aus der (Github) Zip hin um darauf zuzugreifen, in das selbe Verzeichnis ?


          • hme0354
            MS Profi
            • 06.07.2019
            • 957

            wenn ich mich recht erinnere, installierst du ein plugin am loxberry und als installationsdatei nimmst das zipfile von github.
            Smarthome: 1x Miniserver Gen. 2, 3x Relay Extensions, 1x Tree Extension, 1x DI-Extension, 1x Air Base Extension, 8x RGBW Tree Dimmer, 9x Touch-Tree, 1x Nano DI Tree, 10x Tree BWM
            Technik: IDM Aero SLM 3-11 mit HGL, MS4H mit 9 Zonen, 2x Loxberry, 2x RPI für Anzeige, Doorbird, Froggit WH2600, POE+ System für Peripherie, Gedad Luftgütesensoren, Deconz (Bridge + 2x BWM + 2x RGBW + 5 Smartplug)


            • Lenardo
              Lenardo kommentierte
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              danke, das läuft
          • StoRmtec
            LoxBus Spammer
            • 25.08.2015
            • 346

            Hallo. Muss ich den Music-Server und Squeeplugin auch installieren ? Habe nur den Music-Server-Gateway installiert. In der Config wird er grün angezeigt aber wenn ich auf Music Server konfigurieren gehe schreibt er hin das er nicht verbunden ist.


            • hismastersvoice
              • 25.08.2015
              • 7189

              Hat Prof.Mobilux das ganze schon online gestellt.

              Ich glaube hier herrscht immer noch der Irrglaube das es reicht nur das MSG zu installieren.
              Das MSG stellt rein nur eine Verbindung zur Verfügung hat aber keinerlei Kontakt zum LMS und kann und macht alleine gar nichts.
              Dazu muss immer ein Router-Skript laufen der die Verbindung zum LMS aufbaut und die Daten an das MSG weiter gibt.

              Das macht das ganze Plugin zwar flexibel weil man alles möglich anbinden kann, aber auch umständlich in der Handhabung.

              Kein Support per PN!


              • StoRmtec
                LoxBus Spammer
                • 25.08.2015
                • 346

                Okay das heißt ich muss den LMS am Loxberry auch installieren? und den Squeezlight. Oder muss ich den Musicserver auch installieren?
                Kann auch in der Config <LoxberryIP>:6091 nicht eingeben der Port wird abgeschnitten
                Zuletzt geändert von StoRmtec; 29.07.2020, 15:58.


                • Lenardo
                  Lenardo kommentierte
                  Kommentar bearbeiten
                  der Port wird abgeschnitten: kein Problem der wird trotzdem übernommen aber nur wenn du das MSI installiert hast, das liegt am Loxberry, also <LoxberryIP>:6091,
              • hismastersvoice
                • 25.08.2015
                • 7189

                Entweder das MSG oder das MSI

                Unterschied das MSG braucht ein Router-Script, das MSI kann per virtuellem Ausgang Daten zurück gegeben.
                Hierbei übernehmen die VAQs die Funktionen des Router-Script.
                Titel / Play.../Volume etc geht alles bis auf das Cover, das du ja aus dem LMS auslesen musst.

                Lest doch bitte den Thread des MSI und installiert nicht einfach drauf los.

                Der Port wird immer abgeschnitten, richtig ist aber 7091 wenn man das MSG nutzt beim MSI ist 6091.
                Ihr könnt installieren was ihr wollt, es werden immer entweder VAQs benötigt oder eben ein Skript der die Daten austuascht.

                Das MSI kann deutlich weniger als das MSG, das liegt einfach daran das hier nur minimale Daten über die VAQs ausgetauscht werden.
                Das MSG bekommt die Daten per json gesendet und kann deswegen auf Room-Favs, Equlizer etc etc.

                Kein Support per PN!


                • hme0354
                  hme0354 kommentierte
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                  du warst wieder mal schneller als ich
              • hme0354
                MS Profi
                • 06.07.2019
                • 957


                Das MSI kann eine Verbindung über VIs und VOs zu einem LMS herstellen und wurde dann nicht weiterverfolgt. (

                Das MSG ist ein Gateway das ohne zusätzliche VIs und VOs arbeitet, dafür benötigt man aber ein angepassten LMS haben, der auf die Befehle des MSG reagiert ( Es wird sowohl beim MS4L von hismastersvoice als auch beim Squeezlight-Plugin von Christian Fenzl an einer Integration gearbeitet. Bin aber nur beim MS4L am laufenden, da ich bei den Beta-Testern dabei bin. Prof.Mobilux hat auch schon den MS4L am Raspberry getestet. Aber bis zu einem Release wird es sicher noch dauern.
                Smarthome: 1x Miniserver Gen. 2, 3x Relay Extensions, 1x Tree Extension, 1x DI-Extension, 1x Air Base Extension, 8x RGBW Tree Dimmer, 9x Touch-Tree, 1x Nano DI Tree, 10x Tree BWM
                Technik: IDM Aero SLM 3-11 mit HGL, MS4H mit 9 Zonen, 2x Loxberry, 2x RPI für Anzeige, Doorbird, Froggit WH2600, POE+ System für Peripherie, Gedad Luftgütesensoren, Deconz (Bridge + 2x BWM + 2x RGBW + 5 Smartplug)


                • Gast

                  Hi all! This is a message to let y'all know I'm still alive I apologize for not having been able to reply not keep the development of MSG for such a long time; there's been intense months at my work (as you guess I work in IT, and with the pandemics it's almost becoming critical for business to operate).

                  I think I will be able to resume development of MSG in the few days. My plans are to bring support for sleep and TTS (@hismastersvoice PRs are welcome), and finish the connection with the Search functionality present in the Loxone UI.

                  Hopefully I'll be able to post soon with newly added features!


                  On a separate topic, I wanted to request help from some of you ^_^. I think the documentation is becoming more confusing as time evolves between MSI (the initial plugin) and MSG (the current gateway). I would love to get some volunteers to a) write a proper wiki page for MSG, and b) change MSI to explain the differences between both, as I see people getting confused with both.

                  I'm also unsure what to do with MSI; I think the best would be to change it so that it works connected to MSG, but ATM I don't have time to change that either. I'm also happy to transfer MSI to someone else and/or maybe deprecate it? Ideas are welcome!


                  • Christian Fenzl
                    Lebende Foren Legende
                    • 31.08.2015
                    • 11217

                    I think, msg doc could be a co-production by Michael, Dieter, me and you (as the developer). We all watch your progress and use it, therefore know how to use.

                    From the Squeezelite Plugin‘s perspective, we really were quite unsure if you have „thrown the towel“ after all of our requests and wishes 😅
                    Nice to see you again 🙂
                    Zuletzt geändert von Christian Fenzl; 29.07.2020, 17:46.
                    Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


                    • hismastersvoice
                      • 25.08.2015
                      • 7189

                      Zitat von mjesun
                      Hi all! This is a message to let y'all know I'm still alive I apologize for not having been able to reply not keep the development of MSG for such a long time; there's been intense months at my work (as you guess I work in IT, and with the pandemics it's almost becoming critical for business to operate).

                      I think I will be able to resume development of MSG in the few days. My plans are to bring support for sleep and TTS (@hismastersvoice PRs are welcome), and finish the connection with the Search functionality present in the Loxone UI.

                      Hopefully I'll be able to post soon with newly added features!
                      Good to hear from you
                      Was not sure if still whant to go forward with the MSG, after I did not get answers to my Posts.
                      Even more I`m happy that you do further Development. Looking forward...

                      There are a lot of other things (small issues) to do (like in the Central-Music-Block and T5). I have documented it and put it together in a post.

                      On a separate topic, I wanted to request help from some of you ^_^. I think the documentation is becoming more confusing as time evolves between MSI (the initial plugin) and MSG (the current gateway). I would love to get some volunteers to a) write a proper wiki page for MSG, and b) change MSI to explain the differences between both, as I see people getting confused with both.

                      I'm also unsure what to do with MSI; I think the best would be to change it so that it works connected to MSG, but ATM I don't have time to change that either. I'm also happy to transfer MSI to someone else and/or maybe deprecate it? Ideas are welcome!
                      I think if we get the features into the Squeezelite Plugin and MS4L everybody who use LMS can connect to the MiniServer.
                      So the MSI is not really needed and double the work. Also it is much more complicated to exchenge the data with VIs / VAQs.

                      Kein Support per PN!


                      • Gast
                        Gast kommentierte
                        Kommentar bearbeiten
                        > I think if we get the features into the Squeezelite Plugin and MS4L everybody who use LMS can connect to the MiniServer.
                        So the MSI is not really needed and double the work.

                        I agree. I also think something may be done with the TCP2UDP plugin and others. Never tried it, but if it works it's yet another reason to phase out MSI and just leave MSG; maybe with some tutorials in the wiki explaining how to do certain things.