hab mich mal an MQTT gewagt. Leider scheitere ich direkt nach der Installation.
Der Mosquitto Broker scheint nicht richtig installiert worden zu sein.
Folgende Punkte wurden bereits überprüft:
- After a LoxBerry reboot, the webinterface starts up earlier than the Mosquitto services does. Wait up to about 5 minutes after LoxBerry reboot, if the daemon may come up.
- OK
- Check that you have selected "Use local Mosquitto broker" in the "MQTT Broker" section of the plugin. If this is not selected, the broker is not managed by the MQTT Gateway plugin.
- OK
- In the webif, enter the SecurePIN to see your credentials, and save the settings again. This triggers a retry to start Mosquitto.
- OK
- If it is still not running: Connect by SSH, su to become root, and try systemctl stop mosquitto and systemctl start mosquitto. Look for error messages.
- Failed to start mosquitto.service: Unit mosquitto.service not found.
- If it happens again, and you already have the latest version installed: Please report the error including version number, and the latest gateway logfile.
- Loxberry Current Version:
- MGTT Gateway Version 2.1.0
- Installation Log im Anhang
Wäre cool wenn einer drüber schauen könnte.