Problems with LoxBerry, MQTT and Shellies

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    Problems with LoxBerry, MQTT and Shellies

    Hello I starting to set up my first Loxberry and everything has gone well until MQTT. I setting up Shelly1 and trying to connect it with my Miniserver. I set up the subscription for Shelly1 shellies/#. But I always get in the Miniserver Virtual Inputs loxberry_mqttgateway_xxxxx seven of them. I have gone trough the config many times and read trough the websides again and again but can't find anything wrong I am doing. So I was thinking if someone has gone trough similar things in MQTT and share it with me I would be very grateful.
  • Christian Fenzl
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 31.08.2015
    • 11234

    You need to provide more information, like screenshots of what you have done.
    E.g. your Shelly MQTT Config.
    Currently I only can read “it does not work”.
    Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


    • Gast

      Thank you for your respond Christian, I have attached a picture that hopefully tells you something. Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Mqtt2.JPG
Ansichten: 682
Größe: 147,4 KB
ID: 313656


      • AlexAn
        Lebende Foren Legende
        • 25.08.2015
        • 4300

        use Firmware 1.10.4

        reboot shelly

        password OK ??
        Grüße Alex


        • Gast

          Hello AlexAn I have firmware version on the Shelly1 20210720-184522/v1.11.0-g6abd92e are you saying that I would downgrade to 1.10.4 ?
          Yes the password is ok. I did set it and when the site refreshed there where just few dots but I think it alright


          • Gast

            Hello AlexAn, I did set the Firmware on Shelly1 and restarted and the come problem is still here i.e. the shellies/# subscription does'nt show in Miniserver Virtual Input


            • Christian Fenzl
              Lebende Foren Legende
              • 31.08.2015
              • 11234

              And you are absolutely sure that is the IP of LoxBerry.
              Because, this is usually the default ip of the Miniserver.
              Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


              • AlexAn
                AlexAn kommentierte
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                aah 77 ist the Miniserver

              • Gast
                Gast kommentierte
                Kommentar bearbeiten
                Oh yes it was the wrong ip now everything works. I wont thank you Christian for this help now I can move on. I will probably hit another wall since I am starting on this (as you can see) but just read and test and then again. Thank you again for the help.
            • AlexAn
              Lebende Foren Legende
              • 25.08.2015
              • 4300

              try another Shelly or ESP

              check IP Loxberry in the Shelly
              Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: shelly.JPG
Ansichten: 648
Größe: 65,9 KB
ID: 313667

              Ports in the Plugin
              Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: ports.JPG Ansichten: 0 Größe: 169,5 KB ID: 313664
              Zuletzt geändert von AlexAn; 04.08.2021, 19:40.
              Grüße Alex


              • Gast
                Gast kommentierte
                Kommentar bearbeiten
                Thank you for your help AlexAn everything works now. I was with wrong ip. I am happy now :-)
                Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 04.08.2021, 21:30.
            • RafaelMM
              • 09.11.2022
              • 2

              Having the same issue. Built 2 different Loxberry, 1 in a Rpi and one in an old laptop. also tried 2 diffferent shellies. verified ip's but always get the same results. just the 7 inputs from the miniserver. nothing from either shelly


            • RafaelMM
              • 09.11.2022
              • 2

              It says it is connected to the loxberry server but all I keep getting is the same inputs. I am using v2.2.2.2 on and Rpi. I have tried 2 different shelly devices, both up to date on the latest firmware.

              Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: image.png
Ansichten: 242
Größe: 172,3 KB
ID: 365367

              Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: image.png
Ansichten: 298
Größe: 85,1 KB
ID: 365366


              • Christian Fenzl
                Lebende Foren Legende
                • 31.08.2015
                • 11234

                One of the Kitchensd fields is the MQTT topic. Have you added a subscription for KitchenSD/# in the plugin?

                You may define the topic on Shelly to shellies/Kitchensd, then it will be subscrbed by the default shellies/# subscription.
                Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


                • RafaelMM
                  RafaelMM kommentierte
                  Kommentar bearbeiten
                  Worked! Thank You