zigbee2mqtt last updated..

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  • duncan
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 316


    zigbee2mqtt last updated..

    sorry to be writing in enlish - i have enabled the zigbee2mqtt 'last seen' option, and the output is visible in the gui, however i cant get it back into loxone via mqtt
    the values are writtin to the loxberry mqtt server, but how do i get it back into loxone?

    if i set it to epoch, the number is too large to use a virtual input
    if i set it to iso, its a text field so the gateway cant push this into a virtual input

    im trying to set a notification in loxone if a sensor (eg temperature) hasnt been seen for a certain amount of time

    i tried again with a virtual text input sending unix epoch and this time it worked - must have been user error!
    Zuletzt geändert von duncan; 30.12.2023, 16:03.