Plugin: PhilipsAir

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  • nufke
    Smart Home'r
    • 10.11.2018
    • 62


    Plugin: PhilipsAir

    Hi Folks,

    New LoxBerry plugin to control Philips Air Purifiers and Humidifiers over MQTT. Only the latest devices using the encrypted COAP protocol are supported. More info on this wiki page.

    NOTE: Still in Alpha stage. Please report your issues here or via the GitHub​ issue tracker.
  • FrAn6113
    • In den letzten 4 Wochen
    • 2

    Hi nufke,

    thanks for your work but the Plugin doesn´t start on my Loxberry. I only get a message like you can see in the picture. I already tried to restart the loxberry. Do you have any clue how to activate it?

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Plugin_Screenshot.png
Ansichten: 40
Größe: 55,5 KB
ID: 455863
    Angehängte Dateien


    • nufke
      Smart Home'r
      • 10.11.2018
      • 62

      Latest version v0.0.4 should resolve an install and build error when using newer nodejs versions. Please check if this works for you. If not, please send the log file.


      • FrAn6113
        • In den letzten 4 Wochen
        • 2

        Hi there,

        thanks for your quick response. Yes now it looks pretty fine. MQTT topics can be found in the broker. Now I can try to set it up in my Home. I´ll give response to the items and commands because I am working on a AC4236/10.


        • nufke
          Smart Home'r
          • 10.11.2018
          • 62

          You can have a look at the plugin wiki page for the available commands for the AC2729/10. We might need to add additional commands for your purifier.

          I also noticed that once in a while the purifier is losing connection with the plugin, which seems related to a bug in the hardware, see this page. Restart the plugin to re-initiate the connection. I need to study if this can be automated.

