LoxBerry: Sonos Plugin verfügbar

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    Liebe Community. Ich bin komplett neu auf dem Gebiet und scheitere bereits bei der Installation bzw. Öffnen des Plugins - "Error Loading Page" - Kann mir jemand kurzfristig weiterhelfen wie ich das Sonos Plugin starten kann? Die Pi ist bereits mehrfach neu gestartet. Bei der Ausführung der plugin Installation kommen die eine oder andere Fehler Meldung. Ist das normal? Bitte verzeiht diese Anfänglichen, für euch wahrscheinlich, dummen Fragen. Liebe Grüße, Michael


    • Christian Fenzl
      Christian Fenzl kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      Wenn Fehlermeldungen bei der Installation kommen, dann poste das Log!
      Ohne Nix kommt nix :-)
  • Gast


    Anbei das Logfile.

    Ich freue mich auf Unterstützung.

    Liebe Grüße
    Angehängte Dateien


    • svethi
      Lebende Foren Legende
      • 25.08.2015
      • 6308

      Das ist blöd. Die zu ladenden Pakete sollen alle auf einmal installiert werden. Eines davon macht aber auf Deinem System ein Problem.

      Kannst Du an der Kommandozeile arbeiten?
      Miniserver; KNX; Vitogate; EnOcean (EnOceanPi); Loxone Air; Caldav-Kalenderanbindung; RaspberryPi und für keine Frickellösung zu schade :-)


      • Gast
        Gast kommentierte
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        Guten Morgen. Können ist relativ - ich kann am Pi Kommandos eingeben und nach Anleitung ausführen. LG

      • svethi
        svethi kommentierte
        Kommentar bearbeiten
        das ist doch schon was :-)
        Das reicht :-)
    • svethi
      Lebende Foren Legende
      • 25.08.2015
      • 6308

      Dann führe mal das folgende an der kommandozeile aus
      /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/apt-get -q -y install  libjson-perl lame curl  libcurl3 php5-curl php-soap git
      Miniserver; KNX; Vitogate; EnOcean (EnOceanPi); Loxone Air; Caldav-Kalenderanbindung; RaspberryPi und für keine Frickellösung zu schade :-)


      • Gast
        Gast kommentierte
        Kommentar bearbeiten
        JA - Das Wiki ist sehr umfangreich und sicherlich für jeden der eine Ahnung von Programmierung etc. hat. Für Personen wie mich die kaum bis keine Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet haben, ist der Anfang die Hölle. Und das fängt schon damit an, dass ich über den UDP Monitor keine Lautsprecher finde. Der Port im UDP Eingang ist 8750 und der Port im PlugIn ebenfalls. Warum und von wo wohin ein Port-Forwarding sein muss verstehe ich zum Beispiel gar nicht. Bzw. wie ich von anderen Geräten den Port erkenne. All diese Dinge sind für mich gerade etwas zu komplex.

      • Liver_64
        Liver_64 kommentierte
        Kommentar bearbeiten
        Das Wiki hat wirklich nichts mit Programmieren zu tun, sondern ist für User ohne Vorkenntnisse gedacht. Du musst halt nur sorgfältig dein Thema durchlesen und dich einarbeiten.
        Wir Entwickler machen das nebenher und haben nicht noch Zeit uns per TeamViewer irgendwo aufzuschalten.
        Da misste jeder durch und so schlimm ist es beim besten Willen nicht. Lesen und ausprobieren

      • Liver_64
        Liver_64 kommentierte
        Kommentar bearbeiten
        siehe Post #442
    • baldaum
      Extension Master
      • 24.05.2016
      • 133


      ich habe eben ein Neuinstallation von Loxberry gemacht. Anschliessend habe ich das Plugin installiert. Dann kam folgender Fehler im Log:

      <INFO> Installiere zusätzliche Software-Pakete <INFO> Command: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/apt-get -q -y install libjson-perl lame curl libcurl3 php5-curl php-curl php-soap git Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... E: Unable to locate package php-curl <ERROR> Paket konnte nicht installiert werden Dann habe ich den Befehl in der Command Line ausgeführt und das Plugin läuft nun. LG Markus


      • Liver_64
        Liver_64 kommentierte
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        Das LB Core Team arbeitet gerade an einer Lösung

      • Liver_64
        Liver_64 kommentierte
        Kommentar bearbeiten
        Lösung siehe Post #440

      • Liver_64
        Liver_64 kommentierte
        Kommentar bearbeiten
        siehe Post #442
    • Liver_64
      MS Profi
      • 07.09.2015
      • 599

      Guude zsamme,

      für alle die den LoxBerry neu aufgesetzt haben (V0.2.3) und Probleme bei der Installation des Sonos Plugins, oder auch anderer Plugins, haben bitte ein Upgrade auf LoxBerry V0.2.4 durchführen. https://download.loxberry.de/stable/upgrades/ und anschließend das Sonos Plugin V0.2.7_1 herunterladen uns installieren.

      Viel Spaß
      Zuletzt geändert von Liver_64; 10.02.2018, 16:44.
      Anmerkung: Bitte keine Fragen mehr per PN sondern direkt im Forum damit andere mithelfen und mitprofitieren können.
      Bzgl. Sonos Plugin supporte ich nur noch die jeweils aktuelle Version NUR auf dem LoxBerry, ich kann keine VM Unterstützung mangels Hardware geben. Herzlichen Dank!


      • Lemming
        • 09.07.2017
        • 6

        Hallo zusammen,

        ich habe mal ein paar Fragen/Probleme in der Hoffnung das mir jemand helfen kann. (Ich benutze das Plugin V2.1.7)

        1. Wenn ich auf "Scan Zonen" klicke bekomme ich "Software error: Not a HASH reference at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/plugins/sonos4lox/index.cgi line 612, <$fh> line 1. For help, please send mail to the webmaster ([no address given]), giving this error message and the time and date of the error."
        @Olli: Ist da zufällig der fix mit der broadcast Adresse beim suchen der Zonen wieder raus gefallen?

        2. Wenn ich 2 Zonen gruppiert habe und den Sender wechseln möchte "/plugins/sonos4lox/index.php?zone=wohnzimmer&action=nextradio" bei aktivierter "Ansage des Radiosenders vor Play" dann hört irgendwie die Musik auf zu spielen. Ist das ein Bug oder habe nur ich das Problem?

        3. Bei mir kommt es öfter mal vor, dass ich play aufrufe aber keine Musik geladen ist. Gibt es die Möglichkeit in diesem Falle automatisch den 1. Sender der Radioplayliste zu laden und abzuspielen?

        4. Desweiteren würde ich gerne einen Taster so belegen, dass er bei klick die Musik abspielt, wenn aber schon Musik läuft die Lautstärke erhöht. Bisher mache ich das in Loxone in dem ich den Status der Zonen alle 2 Sekunden Polle und über eine Logik entweder play oder volUp aufrufe. Das Pollen finde ich aber nicht schön, besser wäre es wenn der Loxberry selbst so eine Funktion hätte oder?

        5. Parallel zu Radio gibt es ja noch das Abspielen von Playlisten von Amazon, Apple, ... oder lokale Dateien. Das ist in Loxone aber auch schwierig zu handhaben wenn man einfach Radio/Playlisten durchzappen möchte. Ich fände es schöner wenn man eine Liste hätte in der man einfach Radio, Playlisten von Amazon, ... und Urls von der NAS für lokale Dateien eintragen könnte. Den Typ könnte man entweder über die URL erkennen oder über eine DropDownListe (Radio/Amazon/Apple/Lokal/...). Was haltet Ihr davon?

        Also 1-2 sind bei mir Fehler, 3-5 eigentlich Wünsche/Anregungen, wäre schön wenn davon welche umgesetzt werden. Ich hoffe das war jetzt nicht zu viel auf einmal...

        Viele Grüße,


        • Liver_64
          Liver_64 kommentierte
          Kommentar bearbeiten
          Bei den Favoriten kannst du alles reinpacken, Streams, lokale Bibliothek, iTunes, Radio usw.

        • Liver_64
          Liver_64 kommentierte
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          zu deinem Punkt 5 habe ich noch eine Anmerkung. Du kannst dir doch eine Playliste mit allem möglichem (URL, Amazon, Spotify, NAS, etc.) erstellen und dann per ...action=next bzw. previous mit einem Taster durchzappen

        • Lemming
          Lemming kommentierte
          Kommentar bearbeiten
          Zu Punkt 5: Habe ich mir auch schon überlegt. Da meine Kinder aber über Alexa gerne mal die Playlist ändern oder aus irgend einem Grund (z.B. Softwareupdate oder Box vom Netz genommen) keine Playlist geladen ist, habe ich diesen Ansatz verworfen. Zudem kann man dann auch keine eigenen Texte für den Url,... - Wechsel eingeben. Ich bin mir auch nicht sicher ob ich dann bei den Liedern auf der NAS erst alle Lieder mit Next durchklicken muss bis ich zu einem Radiosender komme. Falls ich mit meinen Annahmen falsch liege, wäre ich über Richtigstellungen dankbar.
      • ledchab
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 10.02.2016
        • 423

        update auf Loxberry 0.2.4 - ok

        bei Update auf Sonos Plugin 2.1.7
        bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung

        Something went wrong. No supported configuration file syntax found. Either the file is of wrong syntax, or there is a bug in guess_syntax() method. at /usr/share/perl5/Config/Simple.pm line 184.


        • ledchab
          ledchab kommentierte
          Kommentar bearbeiten
          bei der Installation

          Auszug aus dem Log

          OK: Plugin-Archiv erfolgreich entpackt
          Software error:

          Something went wrong. No supported configuration file syntax found. Either the file is of wrong syntax, or there is a bug in guess_syntax() method. at /usr/share/perl5/Config/Simple.pm line 184.

        • Liver_64
          Liver_64 kommentierte
          Kommentar bearbeiten
          ok, danke

        • ledchab
          ledchab kommentierte
          Kommentar bearbeiten
          löppt - danke
      • Liver_64
        MS Profi
        • 07.09.2015
        • 599

        Guude zsamme,

        für alle die den LoxBerry neu aufgesetzt haben und Probleme bei der Installation des Sonos Plugins haben bitte Sonos Plugin v0.2.7_2 herunterladen uns installieren.


        Viel Spaß
        Anmerkung: Bitte keine Fragen mehr per PN sondern direkt im Forum damit andere mithelfen und mitprofitieren können.
        Bzgl. Sonos Plugin supporte ich nur noch die jeweils aktuelle Version NUR auf dem LoxBerry, ich kann keine VM Unterstützung mangels Hardware geben. Herzlichen Dank!


        • Gast

          Danke Christian Frenzl! hier nochmal als normaler beitrag.

          Also habe eben mal die Sonos4lox 2.1.7_1 getestet... gleiches Fehlerbild wie bei den Versionen 2.1.5 und 2.1.6 ...

          Apache log:

          [Sun Feb 11 06:25:04.389438 2018] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1033] AH00163: Apache/2.4.10 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations
          [Sun Feb 11 06:25:04.389664 2018] [core:notice] [pid 1033] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'
          [Sun Feb 11 14:18:57.694888 2018] [auth_basic:error] [pid 12194] [client] AH01618: user admin not found: /admin/index.cgi
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Scalar value @fields[6] better written as $fields[6] at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 206.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Scalar value @fields[5] better written as $fields[5] at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 207.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Subroutine header redefined at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 250.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:19:04 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Scalar value @fields[6] better written as $fields[6] at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 206.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Scalar value @fields[5] better written as $fields[5] at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 207.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Subroutine header redefined at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 250.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:20:23 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 16.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Scalar value @fields[6] better written as $fields[6] at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 206.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Scalar value @fields[5] better written as $fields[5] at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 207.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Subroutine header redefined at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 250.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:29 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:34 2018] power.cgi: Subroutine menu redefined at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 142.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:34 2018] power.cgi: Useless use of quotemeta in void context at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 85.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:34 2018] power.cgi: Useless use of quotemeta in void context at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 86.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:34 2018] power.cgi: Use of uninitialized value $do in quotemeta at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 86.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:34 2018] power.cgi: Use of uninitialized value $do in string eq at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 124.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:34 2018] power.cgi: Use of uninitialized value $do in string eq at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 129.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:34 2018] power.cgi: Use of uninitialized value $helptext in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 259, <F> line 8.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:37 2018] power.cgi: Subroutine menu redefined at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 142.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:37 2018] power.cgi: Useless use of quotemeta in void context at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 85.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:37 2018] power.cgi: Useless use of quotemeta in void context at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 86.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:37 2018] power.cgi: Use of uninitialized value $query{"lang"} in quotemeta at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 85.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:37 2018] power.cgi: Use of uninitialized value in transliteration (tr///) at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 87.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:37 2018] power.cgi: Use of uninitialized value $query{"lang"} in substr at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 88.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:37 2018] power.cgi: Use of uninitialized value $helptext in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/system/power.cgi line 259, <F> line 8.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:23:44.182561 2018] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1033] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:09.281357 2018] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1013] AH00163: Apache/2.4.10 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:09.291133 2018] [core:notice] [pid 1013] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:13 2018] index.cgi: Scalar value @fields[6] better written as $fields[6] at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 206.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:13 2018] index.cgi: Scalar value @fields[5] better written as $fields[5] at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 207.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:13 2018] index.cgi: Subroutine header redefined at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 250.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:14 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          PHP Notice: The home and plugin folder has been successful detected! in /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/network.php on line 24
          PHP Fatal error: 0 System has not detected any Sonos devices in your network! in /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/network.php on line 87
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:35 2018] index.cgi: Die Datei: konnte nicht geöffnet werden! No such file or directory
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Scalar value @fields[6] better written as $fields[6] at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 206.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Scalar value @fields[5] better written as $fields[5] at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 207.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Subroutine header redefined at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 250.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          [Sun Feb 11 14:24:56 2018] index.cgi: Filehandle F opened only for input at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi line 202, <F> line 17.
          PHP Notice: The home and plugin folder has been successful detected! in /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/network.php on line 24
          PHP Fatal error: 0 System has not detected any Sonos devices in your network! in /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/network.php on line 87
          [Sun Feb 11 14:25:29 2018] index.cgi: Die Datei: konnte nicht geöffnet werden! No such file or directory
          PHP Notice: The home and plugin folder has been successful detected! in /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/network.php on line 24
          PHP Fatal error: 0 System has not detected any Sonos devices in your network! in /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/network.php on line 87
          [Sun Feb 11 14:25:45 2018] index.cgi: Die Datei: konnte nicht geöffnet werden! No such file or directory

          Hoffe das hilft euch irgend wie weiter...

          danke schon einmal für euren Support!


          • Liver_64
            Liver_64 kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            siehe einen Post vorher bzw. im Wiki unter Troubleshooting. Hast du eine Neuinstallation durchgeführt?
            Zuletzt geändert von Liver_64; 11.02.2018, 21:00.

          • Christian Fenzl
            Christian Fenzl kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            Gast Und jetzt bitte das Update von Oliver probieren, das er 15 Minuten zuvor, direkt vor deinem Beitrag, beschrieben hat :-)

          • Gast
            Gast kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            verdammt war ich wohl spät dran. wird morgen früh gleich erledigt
        • Gast


          Loxberry V1.0.1
          Sonos4lox V2.1.7

          gleiches Fehlerbild...

           [h=1]Software error:[/h]  
           Die Datei:  konnte nicht geöffnet werden! No such file or directory  
          For help, please send mail to the webmaster ([EMAIL][/EMAIL][no address given]), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

          Plugin log:

          We are in CGI mode.
          <INFO> Temp Folder: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK
          <INFO> Logfile: /tmp/dwF7uzX9fK.log
          <INFO> Statusfile: /tmp/dwF7uzX9fK.status
          Lock is set - returning undef to indicate success
          <INFO> Sperre plugininstall - das kann bis zu 10 Minuten dauern...
          seemsrunning: 0
          <OK> Sperre erfolgreich eingerichtet.
          <INFO> Start der Plugin Installation.
          <INFO> Extrahierung des Plugin Archivs
          <INFO> Command: /usr/bin/sudo -n -u loxberry /usr/bin/unzip -d /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK /tmp/dwF7uzX9fK.zip
          Archive:  /tmp/dwF7uzX9fK.zip
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/README.txt  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/config/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/config/player.cfg  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/config/sonos.cfg  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/data/
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/data/tts/
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/data/tts/mp3/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/data/tts/mp3/1.mp3  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/data/tts/mp3/2_Airport_gong.mp3  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/Thumbs.db  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/icon_128.png  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/icon_256.png  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/icon_512.png  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/icon_64.png  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/de/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/de/help.html  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/de/language.dat  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/de/settings.html  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/en/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/en/help.html  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/en/language.dat  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/en/settings.html  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/cgi/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Alarm.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Grouping.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Helper.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Info.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Play_T2S.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Playlist.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Queue.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Radio.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Restore_T2S.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Save_T2S.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Sonos.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Speaker.php  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/clock-to-speech.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/gimmicks.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/pollen-to-speach.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/sonos-to-speech.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/time-to-destination-speech.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/waste-calendar-to-speech.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/weather-to-speech.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/weather-to-speech_no.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/weather-warning-to-speech.php  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/Thumbs.db  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/recycle-bin.png  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/sonos-logo - Kopie.png  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/sonos-logo.png  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/index.php  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Amazon.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Apple.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Google.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Local_Track.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Napster.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Spotify.php  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/Loxone.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/PHPSonos.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/Services.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/Tracks.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/function.debug.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/network.php  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/Google.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/MAC_OSX.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/Pico_tts.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/Polly.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/ResponsiveVoice.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/VoiceRSS.php  
             creating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/polly_tts/
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/polly_tts/polly.php  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/.gitattributes  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/apt  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/LICENCE  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/plugin.cfg  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/postinstall.sh  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/postupgrade.sh  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/preinstall.sh  
            inflating: /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/preupgrade.sh  
          <OK> Das Plugin wurde erfolgreich extrahiert.
          <INFO> Author:       Oliver Lewald
          <INFO> Email:        olewald64@gmail.com
          <INFO> Version:      2.1.7_2
          <INFO> Name:         Sonos
          <INFO> Folder:       sonos4lox
          <INFO> Title:        Sonos
          <INFO> Autoupdate:   0
          <INFO> Release:      
          <INFO> Prerelease:   
          <INFO> Reboot:       0
          <INFO> Min LB Vers:  0
          <INFO> Max LB Vers:  0
          <INFO> Architecture: 0
          <INFO> Interface:    1.0
          <OK> Alle wichtigen Parameter sind im Plugin Archiv vorhanden.
          <WARNING> *** DEPRECIATED *** This Plugin uses the outdated PLUGIN Interface V1.0. It will be compatible with this Version of LoxBerry but may not work with the next Major LoxBerry release! Please inform the PLUGIN Author at olewald64@gmail.com
          <INFO> Gegenwärtige LoxBerry Version: v1.0.0
          <OK> Freier Datenbankeintrag wurde gefunden.
          <INFO> Verwendeter Plugin Name: Sonos
          <INFO> Verwendetes Plugin Verzeichnis: sonos4lox
          <INFO> Erstelle Shadow-Version der Plugin-Datenbank.
          '/opt/loxberry/data/system/plugindatabase.dat' -> '/opt/loxberry/data/system/plugindatabase.dat-'
          <INFO> Ändere Datei Berechtigungen: /bin/chmod -v 644 /opt/loxberry/data/system/plugindatabase.dat-
          mode of '/opt/loxberry/data/system/plugindatabase.dat-' retained as 0644 (rw-r--r--)
          <OK> Datei Berechtigungen wurden erfolgreich geändert.
          <INFO> Ändere Datei Eigentümer: /bin/chown -v root.root /opt/loxberry/data/system/plugindatabase.dat-
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/data/system/plugindatabase.dat-' retained as root:root
          <OK> Datei Eigentümer wurde erfolgreich geändert.
          '/opt/loxberry/data/system/plugindatabase.dat' -> '/opt/loxberry/data/system/plugindatabase.bkp'
          <INFO> Ändere Datei Berechtigungen: /bin/chmod -v 644 /opt/loxberry/data/system/plugindatabase.bkp
          mode of '/opt/loxberry/data/system/plugindatabase.bkp' retained as 0644 (rw-r--r--)
          <OK> Datei Berechtigungen wurden erfolgreich geändert.
          <INFO> Ändere Datei Eigentümer: /bin/chown -v loxberry.loxberry /opt/loxberry/data/system/plugindatabase.bkp
          changed ownership of '/opt/loxberry/data/system/plugindatabase.bkp' from root:root to loxberry:loxberry
          <OK> Datei Eigentümer wurde erfolgreich geändert.
          <INFO> Ersetze Umgebungsvariablen.
          <INFO> Ersetze: REPLACELBHOMEDIR in /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK
          <INFO> Ersetze: REPLACELBPPLUGINDIR in /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK
          <INFO> Ersetze: REPLACELBPHTMLAUTHDIR in /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK
          <INFO> Ersetze: REPLACELBPHTMLDIR in /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK
          <INFO> Ersetze: REPLACELBPTEMPLATEDIR in /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK
          <INFO> Ersetze: REPLACELBPDATADIR in /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK
          <INFO> Ersetze: REPLACELBPLOGDIR in /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK
          <INFO> Ersetze: REPLACELBPCONFIGDIR in /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK
          <INFO> Ersetze: REPLACELBPBINDIR in /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK
          <INFO> Konvertiere alle Plugin Dateien (ASCII) zum Unix Dateiformat.
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/README.txt to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/.gitattributes to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/plugin.cfg to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/postinstall.sh to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/postupgrade.sh to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/preinstall.sh to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/preupgrade.sh to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Alarm.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Grouping.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Helper.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Info.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Play_T2S.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Playlist.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Queue.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Radio.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Restore_T2S.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Save_T2S.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Sonos.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Speaker.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/index.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/Google.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/MAC_OSX.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/Pico_tts.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/Polly.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/ResponsiveVoice.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/VoiceRSS.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/polly_tts/polly.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/Loxone.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/PHPSonos.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/Services.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/Tracks.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/function.debug.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/network.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Amazon.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Apple.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Google.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Local_Track.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Napster.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Spotify.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x11 found at line 1
          dos2unix: Skipping binary file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/Thumbs.db
          dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x1A found at line 2
          dos2unix: Skipping binary file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/recycle-bin.png
          dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x00 found at line 1
          dos2unix: Skipping binary file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/sonos-logo - Kopie.png
          dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x1A found at line 2
          dos2unix: Skipping binary file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/sonos-logo.png
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/clock-to-speech.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/gimmicks.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/pollen-to-speach.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/sonos-to-speech.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/time-to-destination-speech.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/waste-calendar-to-speech.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/weather-to-speech.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/weather-to-speech_no.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/weather-warning-to-speech.php to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/en/help.html to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/en/language.dat to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/en/settings.html to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/de/help.html to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/de/language.dat to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/de/settings.html to Unix format...
          dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x11 found at line 1
          dos2unix: Skipping binary file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/Thumbs.db
          dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x1A found at line 2
          dos2unix: Skipping binary file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/icon_128.png
          dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x1A found at line 2
          dos2unix: Skipping binary file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/icon_256.png
          dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x1A found at line 2
          dos2unix: Skipping binary file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/icon_512.png
          dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x1A found at line 2
          dos2unix: Skipping binary file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/icon_64.png
          dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x03 found at line 1
          dos2unix: Skipping binary file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/data/tts/mp3/1.mp3
          dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x02 found at line 1
          dos2unix: Skipping binary file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/data/tts/mp3/2_Airport_gong.mp3
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/config/player.cfg to Unix format...
          dos2unix: converting file /tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/config/sonos.cfg to Unix format...
          <INFO> Starte Script PREINSTALL.
          <INFO> Command: /usr/bin/sudo -n -u loxberry "/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/preinstall.sh" "dwF7uzX9fK" "Sonos" "sonos4lox" "2.1.7_2" "/opt/loxberry"
          mode of '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/preinstall.sh' changed from 0644 (rw-r--r--) to 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)
          <OK> Fehlerhafte EOL's wurden erfolgreich konvertiert!
          <OK> Script wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.
          <INFO> Installiiere Konfiguration Dateien.
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/config/player.cfg' -> '/opt/loxberry/config/plugins/sonos4lox/player.cfg'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/config/sonos.cfg' -> '/opt/loxberry/config/plugins/sonos4lox/sonos.cfg'
          <OK> Alle Dateien wurden erfolgreich installiert.
          <INFO> Ändere Datei Eigentümer: /bin/chown -Rv loxberry.loxberry /opt/loxberry/config/plugins/sonos4lox
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/config/plugins/sonos4lox/sonos.cfg' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/config/plugins/sonos4lox/player.cfg' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/config/plugins/sonos4lox' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          <OK> Datei Eigentümer wurde erfolgreich geändert.
          <INFO> Installiere template Dateien.
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/de' -> '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/de'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/de/settings.html' -> '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/de/settings.html'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/de/language.dat' -> '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/de/language.dat'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/de/help.html' -> '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/de/help.html'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/en' -> '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/en'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/en/settings.html' -> '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/en/settings.html'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/en/language.dat' -> '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/en/language.dat'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/templates/en/help.html' -> '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/en/help.html'
          <OK> Alle Dateien wurden erfolgreich installiert.
          <INFO> Ändere Datei Eigentümer: /bin/chown -Rv loxberry.loxberry /opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/de/help.html' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/de/settings.html' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/de/language.dat' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/de' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/en/help.html' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/en/settings.html' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/en/language.dat' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox/en' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/templates/plugins/sonos4lox' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          <OK> Datei Eigentümer wurde erfolgreich geändert.
          <INFO> Installiere data Datei.
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/data/tts' -> '/opt/loxberry/data/plugins/sonos4lox/tts'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/data/tts/mp3' -> '/opt/loxberry/data/plugins/sonos4lox/tts/mp3'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/data/tts/mp3/2_Airport_gong.mp3' -> '/opt/loxberry/data/plugins/sonos4lox/tts/mp3/2_Airport_gong.mp3'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/data/tts/mp3/1.mp3' -> '/opt/loxberry/data/plugins/sonos4lox/tts/mp3/1.mp3'
          <OK> Alle Dateien wurden erfolgreich installiert.
          <INFO> Ändere Datei Eigentümer: /bin/chown -Rv loxberry.loxberry /opt/loxberry/data/plugins/sonos4lox
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/data/plugins/sonos4lox/tts/mp3/1.mp3' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/data/plugins/sonos4lox/tts/mp3/2_Airport_gong.mp3' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/data/plugins/sonos4lox/tts/mp3' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/data/plugins/sonos4lox/tts' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/data/plugins/sonos4lox' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          <OK> Datei Eigentümer wurde erfolgreich geändert.
          <INFO> Installiere htmlauth Dateien.
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/cgi/index.cgi' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/sonos4lox/index.cgi'
          <OK> Alle Dateien wurden erfolgreich installiert.
          <INFO> Ändere Datei Eigentümer: /bin/chown -Rv loxberry.loxberry /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/sonos4lox
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/sonos4lox/index.cgi' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/sonos4lox' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          <OK> Datei Eigentümer wurde erfolgreich geändert.
          <INFO> Ändere Datei Berechtigungen: /bin/chmod -Rv 755 /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/sonos4lox
          mode of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/sonos4lox' retained as 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)
          mode of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/sonos4lox/index.cgi' changed from 0644 (rw-r--r--) to 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)
          <OK> Datei Berechtigungen wurden erfolgreich geändert.
          <INFO> Installiere html Dateien.
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Alarm.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Alarm.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Grouping.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Grouping.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Helper.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Helper.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Info.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Info.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Play_T2S.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Play_T2S.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Playlist.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Playlist.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Queue.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Queue.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Radio.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Radio.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Restore_T2S.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Restore_T2S.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Save_T2S.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Save_T2S.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Sonos.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Sonos.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/Speaker.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Speaker.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/weather-to-speech.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/weather-to-speech.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/waste-calendar-to-speech.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/waste-calendar-to-speech.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/time-to-destination-speech.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/time-to-destination-speech.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/sonos-to-speech.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/sonos-to-speech.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/pollen-to-speach.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/pollen-to-speach.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/gimmicks.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/gimmicks.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/clock-to-speech.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/clock-to-speech.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/weather-warning-to-speech.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/weather-warning-to-speech.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/addon/weather-to-speech_no.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/weather-to-speech_no.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/images'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/sonos-logo.png' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/images/sonos-logo.png'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/sonos-logo - Kopie.png' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/images/sonos-logo - Kopie.png'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/recycle-bin.png' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/images/recycle-bin.png'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/images/Thumbs.db' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/images/Thumbs.db'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/index.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/index.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Spotify.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services/Spotify.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Napster.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services/Napster.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Local_Track.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services/Local_Track.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Google.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services/Google.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Apple.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services/Apple.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/services/Amazon.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services/Amazon.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/network.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/network.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/function.debug.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/function.debug.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/Tracks.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/Tracks.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/Services.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/Services.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/PHPSonos.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/PHPSonos.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/system/Loxone.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/Loxone.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/polly_tts' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/polly_tts'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/polly_tts/polly.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/polly_tts/polly.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/VoiceRSS.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/VoiceRSS.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/ResponsiveVoice.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/ResponsiveVoice.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/Polly.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/Polly.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/Pico_tts.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/Pico_tts.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/MAC_OSX.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/MAC_OSX.php'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/webfrontend/html/voice_engines/Google.php' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/Google.php'
          <OK> Alle Dateien wurden erfolgreich installiert.
          <INFO> Ändere Datei Berechtigungen: /usr/bin/find /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox -iregex '.*\.cgi\|.*\.pl\|.*\.sh' -exec /bin/chmod -v 755 {} \;
          <OK> Datei Berechtigungen wurden erfolgreich geändert.
          <INFO> Ändere Datei Eigentümer: /bin/chown -Rv loxberry.loxberry /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Grouping.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Playlist.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Info.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Sonos.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Speaker.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/time-to-destination-speech.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/gimmicks.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/weather-to-speech.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/clock-to-speech.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/weather-warning-to-speech.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/waste-calendar-to-speech.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/weather-to-speech_no.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/sonos-to-speech.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon/pollen-to-speach.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/addon' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Restore_T2S.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/Polly.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/VoiceRSS.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/Google.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/ResponsiveVoice.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/Pico_tts.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/MAC_OSX.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/polly_tts/polly.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines/polly_tts' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/voice_engines' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Queue.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Helper.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Alarm.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/images/sonos-logo - Kopie.png' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/images/sonos-logo.png' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/images/Thumbs.db' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/images/recycle-bin.png' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/images' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/Tracks.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/Loxone.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/PHPSonos.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/function.debug.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/network.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system/Services.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services/Amazon.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services/Google.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services/Local_Track.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services/Apple.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services/Napster.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services/Spotify.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/services' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Play_T2S.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Radio.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Save_T2S.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/index.php' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          <OK> Datei Eigentümer wurde erfolgreich geändert.
          <INFO> Installiere icon Datei.
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/Thumbs.db' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/system/images/icons/sonos4lox/Thumbs.db'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/icon_128.png' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/system/images/icons/sonos4lox/icon_128.png'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/icon_256.png' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/system/images/icons/sonos4lox/icon_256.png'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/icon_512.png' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/system/images/icons/sonos4lox/icon_512.png'
          '/tmp/uploads/dwF7uzX9fK/icons/icon_64.png' -> '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/system/images/icons/sonos4lox/icon_64.png'
          <OK> Icons wurden erfolgreich installiert.
          <INFO> Ändere Datei Eigentümer: /bin/chown -Rv loxberry.loxberry /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/system/images/icons/sonos4lox
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/system/images/icons/sonos4lox/icon_64.png' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/system/images/icons/sonos4lox/icon_256.png' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/system/images/icons/sonos4lox/icon_128.png' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/system/images/icons/sonos4lox/icon_512.png' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/system/images/icons/sonos4lox/Thumbs.db' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          ownership of '/opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/system/images/icons/sonos4lox' retained as loxberry:loxberry
          <OK> Datei Eigentümer wurde erfolgreich geändert.
          <INFO> Aktualisierung der APT Datenbank.
          <INFO> Command: /usr/bin/dpkg --configure -a
          <INFO> Command: /usr/bin/apt-get -q -y update
          Hit:1 http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian stretch InRelease
          Hit:2 http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian stretch InRelease
          Reading package lists...
          <OK> Die APT Datenbank wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.
          <INFO> Installiere zusätzliche Software Pakete.
          <INFO> Command: /usr/bin/dpkg --configure -a
          <INFO> Command: /usr/bin/apt-get -q -y install  libjson-perl lame curl  libcurl3 php-soap git
          Reading package lists...
          Building dependency tree...
          Reading state information...
          curl is already the newest version (7.52.1-5+deb9u4).
          git is already the newest version (1:2.11.0-3+deb9u2).
          libcurl3 is already the newest version (7.52.1-5+deb9u4).
          libjson-perl is already the newest version (2.90-1).
          php-soap is already the newest version (1:7.0+49).
          The following NEW packages will be installed:
          0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 8 not upgraded.
          Need to get 270 kB of archives.
          After this operation, 323 kB of additional disk space will be used.
          Get:1 http://mirror.de.leaseweb.net/raspbian/raspbian stretch/main armhf lame armhf 3.99.5+repack1-9 [270 kB]
          debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
          debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
          debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
          debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Readline
          debconf: (This frontend requires a controlling tty.)
          debconf: falling back to frontend: Teletype
          dpkg-preconfigure: unable to re-open stdin:
          Fetched 270 kB in 0s (581 kB/s)
          Selecting previously unselected package lame.
          (Reading database ...
          (Reading database ... 5%
          (Reading database ... 10%
          (Reading database ... 15%
          (Reading database ... 20%
          (Reading database ... 25%
          (Reading database ... 30%
          (Reading database ... 35%
          (Reading database ... 40%
          (Reading database ... 45%
          (Reading database ... 50%
          (Reading database ... 55%
          (Reading database ... 60%
          (Reading database ... 65%
          (Reading database ... 70%
          (Reading database ... 75%
          (Reading database ... 80%
          (Reading database ... 85%
          (Reading database ... 90%
          (Reading database ... 95%
          (Reading database ... 100%
          (Reading database ... 61125 files and directories currently installed.)
          Preparing to unpack .../lame_3.99.5+repack1-9_armhf.deb ...
          Unpacking lame (3.99.5+repack1-9) ...

          Apache log finde ich leider keinen.

          danke schoneinmal...


          • Liver_64
            Liver_64 kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            Das bei vielen Usern zu viele Player gefunden wurden!

          • Lemming
            Lemming kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            Schade, ich dachte das Broadcast wird nur durchgeführt wenn Multicast nicht funktioniert hat und es deswegen keine Beeinflussung hat. Habe nochmal gesucht, aber ich weiß nicht was bei meinen Sonos-Boxen anders ist. Die Antworten einfach auf das Multicast nicht, keine einzige Box.
            Würde es dir was ausmachen die Funktion, evtl. versteckt oder als Expert-Button wieder rein zu machen? Vielleicht hilft es bei dem Kollegen obendrüber auch...

          • Liver_64
            Liver_64 kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            muss ich mir noch mal anschauen
        • ledchab
          LoxBus Spammer
          • 10.02.2016
          • 423

          Loxberry 0.2.4
          Sonos4lox V2.1.7


          der Befehl

          /plugins/sonos4lox/index.php/?zone=wintergarten&member=esszimmer&action=radiopl aylist&playlist=BAYERN 1 Mainfranken&standardvolume

          sollte ja eigentlich den Radiosender Bayern1 im Wintergarten und Esszimmer einschalten

          es wird nur im Wintergarten eingeschaltet


          • ledchab
            ledchab kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            keinerlei Auswirkung ob mit oder ohne standardvolume - es wir "nur" Wintergarten gestartet - auch wenn ich den Befehl aus dem Browser ausführe
            finde keine log Datei

            loxberry@loxberry:~/log$ cd plugins
            loxberry@loxberry:~/log/plugins$ ls
            miniserverbackup sonos4lox wu4lox
            loxberry@loxberry:~/log/plugins$ cd sonos4lox/
            loxberry@loxberry:~/log/plugins/sonos4lox$ ls

            auch nicht wenn ich im Browser bewusst einen falschen Befehl ausführe der im Browser auch angezeigt wird

            "Notice: This command is not known.
            index.php?zone=SONOSPLAYER&action=FUNCTION&VALUE=O ption in /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/Sonos.php on line 1199"

            für z.B backup oder wunderground plugin sind Logdateien vorhanden

          • Liver_64
            Liver_64 kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            auf der Sonos Config Seite auf „Error log“ klicken, dann öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster der Apache log

          • ledchab
            ledchab kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            wahrscheinlich bin ich blind - aber ich finde kein kein error log auf der Sonos Config Seite (auch nicht mir Browser Suche)
        • Liver_64
          MS Profi
          • 07.09.2015
          • 599

          Lemming , Gast ,

          ich habe mal ein Netzwerkscanscript zur Broadcast Suche erstellt. Ladet die angehängte Datei bitte runter, benennt sie um in "network_bc.php" und kopiert sie nach webfrontend/html/plugins/sonos4lox/system. Dann ruft ihr Sie folgendermaßen auf:
          http://<LOXBERRY_IP/plugins/sonos4lox/system/network_bc.php, anschließend in der Plugin Config auf Scan Zones.
          Falls ihr zwei unterschiedliche Netzwerkmasken für LoxBerry und Sonos nutzt könnt ihr auch noch durch editieren der Datei das Subnetz anpassen, dann wie oben beschrieben vorgehen.
          Editieren bitte nicht wordpad oder notepad, am besten mit Notepad++

          Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: broadcast.JPG
Ansichten: 583
Größe: 14,0 KB
ID: 144268 ​​​​​​​

          Bitte feedback ob es geklappt hat
          Anmerkung: Bitte keine Fragen mehr per PN sondern direkt im Forum damit andere mithelfen und mitprofitieren können.
          Bzgl. Sonos Plugin supporte ich nur noch die jeweils aktuelle Version NUR auf dem LoxBerry, ich kann keine VM Unterstützung mangels Hardware geben. Herzlichen Dank!


          • Lemming
            Lemming kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            Danke, bei mir hats funktioniert. War nur beim ersten mal etwas ungeduldig und dann musste ich noch die Gruppe auflösen, damit er alle Boxen findet. Aber nun habe ich wieder alle Boxen in der Config.

          • Gast
            Gast kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            Sorry für die späte Meldung, hatte ebend erst Zeit gefunden und gleich vorweg, DANKE!!! das war die Lösung! beise Sonos Play 1 wurden gefunden.
        • Gast


          ich komme leider absolut nicht zurecht mit dem Loxberry.
          Ich möchte gerne die Klingelmelodie über meinen Sonos One im Wohnzimmer abspielen.

          Es kommt folgende Fehlermeldung Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Fehlermeldung 1.jpeg
Ansichten: 454
Größe: 91,1 KB
ID: 145781

          Danke im Voraus für eure Hilfe!

          Lg Clemens


          • Liver_64
            Liver_64 kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            Sieht so aus als ob das Script deinen One nicht findet! Erscheint er denn nach dem Scannen in der Sonos Config?
        • Gast

          Ja, im Sonos Plugin erscheint er. Hab schon mehrmals neu gescannt


          • Liver_64
            Liver_64 kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            Welche LoxBerry/Sonos Version? Schicke mir mal deine config/plugins/sonos4lox/player.gfg oder poste sie hier. Irgendwas ist an der faul. Ggf. löschen und neu scannen.