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First of all though it still does not work , I want to thank you for making this possible for the community , this is not taken for granted and very very appreciated.
1. So, no I dont have more than one network card . this is my network Router --> Time Cpsule ( in bridge mode) , Mini server and music server are connected directly to the router
2. my Router ip is : , music server is so i guess it is in the same range .
3. when i try to use iPeng it does not recognize any players ( it does recognize the server "musik-server")
4. Another thing which is very weird, so for example when i tried to save the name of the zone in the player settings , it crashes the server and then i can not connect to it again until i restart it manually
For the network error - could you post the output of ifconfig - just to see your network settings.
In the case of server crashing (I assume it is not really crashing, but not reachable any more for some reason) - could you post the logfile /var/log/apache/error.log (not sure if the path is 100% correct, maybe the directory is named apache2).
Please also post the output of ifconfig after crash.
Please post the full log, not only a screenshot of the last lines. Do you have local access to the server (Monitor and keyboard to show the ifconfig output after the system is not reachable anymore?)
No it just complains that sq_zone_00.cfg can not be found which is referenced in line 62 in config file. But something else seems to be wrong. There are a lot of index errors, so probably a clean install could do it.
ok , i think i will format the drive and install ubunto again and install the musik server again and see if there is any change, i will update you thanks
When you try to store an internal player config. Do you get some message like: "Die Datei sq_zone_01.cfg wurde geschrieben? Or is the system unavailable right after you click save? Or any other message when trying to save an internal player?
Additionally you could try the following (since you do not have any player running yet):
edit file /var/www/settings/set_player.php and uncomment line 83:
// shell_exec("sudo sc player ".$zone_number_cut." stop");
Restart apache and try to store your internal player information.
Post results and log, if not working.
Note: This is just to see, if the stop call for the player really kills apache (which is a guess from your previous logfile). This is not a solution, but maybe points us into the right direction :-)
Ok , so
After i re insalled ubunto server & ms4lox , i still cant get the players to work, though now the system do write the cfg file ( look at attachments ) but no players seems to be running.
so now the "appearing problems to be" are:
1. getting the players to run , they just do not respond (when i press START) and therefore lms cant find any music players in network.
2. the other problem is that the network internal failed msg (see pic attached) is still unreseolved
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