MusicerServer just as gateway?

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  • J V
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 367


    MusicerServer just as gateway?


    I have a small question: is it possible to use MusicServer4Lox just as a gateway? I would like the functionality offered by the MusicServerGateway, but would have my LMS installation elsewhere (I don't have a spare system to run Debian on, and LMS on a virtual server does not prevent the host from going to sleep).

    I may rethink this if I manage to install it on Docker; I already made some first steps but am quite new to Docker so it will take me a bit as I don't have that much time. I managed to install MusicServer4Lox in an image created from a clean Debian-container on WSL2 on Windows, but then ran it to some issues to reboot the image. But the script nicely installed all necessary items, so it looks feasable. Will post a thread when I manage .

  • Prof.Mobilux
    • 25.08.2015
    • 4700

    You may then check the Christian Fenzl 's LoxBerry SqueezeLite Plugin. It is exactly what you are looking for: A Gateway MS<->LMS and offers (only if activated) Squeezelite instances. So very lightweight.
    🇺🇦 Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:

    LoxBerry - Beyond the Limits


    • hismastersvoice
      hismastersvoice kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      Is the MSG official included in the Squeezelite Plugin?

    • Prof.Mobilux
      Prof.Mobilux kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      Soon ;-) But the "old style gatewa"y (via UDP/HTTP) works exactly like the one from MS4H.
  • J V
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 367

    Ok, so I'll wait a bit longer (I was looking for MSG )... I have a Loxberry on Hyper-V, but currently not using the Squeezelite plugin as I have my old setup that directly translates input from LMS via XAP in the Miniserver (and uses EventGhost to set the VTI). It is limited in functionality so I want to change this add more functionality... Now just finalizing my basic config before reworking the audio part. I have all physical Squeezeboxes, so no need for the audio functionality offered by the server.

    One more question... as I would like to try the Docker route for MusicServer4Home.. Which ports are needed for MusicServer4Home? I need to expose those in the container for them to be accessible. For sure it needs those for LMS (tcp 9000, tcp 9090, tcp 3483 and udp 3483), but which others?


