MS4H V1.2.0_beta - the next big thing ;)
Good day,
I have a problem with the second sound card. When I work with one, everything is fine. Today I connected another sound card and the zones stopped working.
I also tried to remove the zones and gradually add them and it didn't help.
When I remove the second sound card, everything is fine again.
Proxmox 6.3.3 - Debian 10.4Angehängte Dateien2 BilderKommentar
Normal this should work.
If not I think you have to delete the players, save sound card settings again and setup the players. -
I'm trying it with one zone now. I also tried shuffling the order of the cards in MS4H and nothing.
I also tried another sound card if the new card is not damaged and nothing.
The cards are the same manufacturer and type cannot be in this problem?Zuletzt geändert von czgaston; 17.01.2021, 18:37.
The problem is that the LogiLink sound card and others with the same chipset only use USB1.1.
So if you have more than 1 sc some USB-Chips on the Motherboard have problems with that.
I use this therefor
The problem is that Proxmox is a virtualisation solution, that means the USB soundcard needs to exposed from your HOST system to the guest system. This is done by KVM and sometimes there are problems doing this and those issues are sometimes related to the USB Chip. The suggestion is to try to use an MTT USB-HUB.
new -> own Icons for Spotify, that it fit to the rest of the Loxone-Icons
new -> Multi-user for Spotify
Attention!! You have to change a Setting in Spotty-Plugin (
change -> Volume-Reset is now executed after Zone-Power-Off not as before after Amp-Power-Off
fix -> Amp-Group All was not working
fix -> minor optical improvements
new -> Set description for Sound-card-channels, for a better identifying in Zone-SetupKein Support per PN!Kommentar
Geh auf die Konsole...
sc msg stop
cd /opt/music_server/msg
DEBUG=* ./
Screenshot machenZuletzt geändert von hismastersvoice; 18.01.2021, 22:00.
Dieses Modul raubt mir noch den letzten Nerv.
sudo rm -rf /opt/music_server/msg/node_modules
cd /opt/music_server/msg/service
sudo npm install
cd ..
DEBUG=* ./
Kein Support per PN!Kommentar
Werde das Update nochmal zurück ziehen.
Habe gerade festgestellt das er beim wechseln der Spotify Accounts in der App noch zu Problemen kommt.
Downgrade wenn nötig über die Konsole
mstools update_ms_beta Support per PN!Kommentar
Ich werde heute Abende ein zwischen update machen.
Wird bis auf multi Spotify-User alles drin sein was auf der Liste ist.
Ich war so begeistert das man Spotify User wechseln kann, das ich zu voreilig das ganze mit eingebaut habe.
Aber die fixe usw. werden wenigstens drin sein, und Spotify User kommt dann hinterher.
Kein Support per PN!Kommentar
new -> own Icons for Spotify, that it fit to the rest of the Loxone-Icons
change -> Volume-Reset is now executed after Zone-Power-Off not as before after Amp-Power-Off
fix -> Amp-Group All was not working
fix -> minor optical improvements
new -> Set description for Sound-card-channels, for a better identifying in Zone-Setup
Die Einstellung für Spotty muss für das Menü so aussehen.
Für den Fall das ihr sie bei geändert hattet.
Kein Support per PN!Kommentar
Moin zusammen.
Bei 1.2.18 bleibt der Musicserver in der Loxone
-Visu ebenfalls offline.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkKommentar
Nach dem letzten Update stoße ich manchmal auf Probleme. Es ist mit Namen, wenn ich versuche, einen Radiosender zu starten, wird es ordentlich ins Spiel gebracht. Es scheint daher, dass es abgespielt wird, aber es kommt kein Ton aus den Lautsprechern. Wenn ich dann mit einer der Überschriften zurück beginne oder das nächste Mal drücke, ertönt ein akustisches Geräusch. Selbst wenn ich die Lautstärke hin und her bewege, funktioniert dies auch. Spotify funktioniert sofort. Ist dies ein Problem in der neuesten Version oder liegt dies am Stream?Kommentar
Ist das eine Google-Translator Übersetzung?
Ich verstehe nicht wirklich was du willst.
Vielleicht sollten wir es auf englisch versuchen?
Ohne Infos über dein System, Software Versionen und um welche Radio-Sender es geht kann ich nicht helfen. -
Yes it is a translation from dutch to german.
I have some problems with the music server. When i try to strat a radio channel the player shows me that het stream is playing but ther is no sound.
After i hit the butten next or previous in the Loxone visu, it will give me some sound on the speakers. In this way it stays on the same stream!
I have it by all of my radio streams. for example: Radio 538, NPO 3 FM, Sky Radio These are Dutch radio channels
I use a VM ware on a Qnap Nas
Music Server :
LMS: 8.2.0~1611497793
Sqeezelit: 1.9.8-1323
Debug log:
Code:MSG:ZONE-1 REQUESTING ZONE STATE FROM LMS +0ms MSG:ZONE-1:LMS REQUEST: bb:bb:a3:b9:ea:3b mixer volume ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-1:LMS REQUEST: bb:bb:a3:b9:ea:3b playerpref playDelay ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-2 REQUESTING ZONE STATE FROM LMS +0ms MSG:ZONE-2:LMS REQUEST: bb:bb:47:af:a8:fb mixer volume ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-2:LMS REQUEST: bb:bb:47:af:a8:fb playerpref playDelay ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-3 [ERROR] No MAC configured for zone 3 +0ms MSG:ZONE-4 REQUESTING ZONE STATE FROM LMS +0ms MSG:ZONE-4:LMS REQUEST: 02:54:00:f4:34:9e mixer volume ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-4:LMS REQUEST: 02:54:00:f4:34:9e playerpref playDelay ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-5 REQUESTING ZONE STATE FROM LMS +0ms MSG:ZONE-5:LMS REQUEST: 03:54:00:f4:34:9e mixer volume ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-5:LMS REQUEST: 03:54:00:f4:34:9e playerpref playDelay ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-6 REQUESTING ZONE STATE FROM LMS +0ms MSG:ZONE-6:LMS REQUEST: 04:54:00:f4:34:9e mixer volume ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-6:LMS REQUEST: 04:54:00:f4:34:9e playerpref playDelay ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-7 REQUESTING ZONE STATE FROM LMS +0ms MSG:ZONE-7:LMS REQUEST: 05:54:00:f4:34:9e mixer volume ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-7:LMS REQUEST: 05:54:00:f4:34:9e playerpref playDelay ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-8 REQUESTING ZONE STATE FROM LMS +0ms MSG:ZONE-8:LMS REQUEST: 06:54:00:f4:34:9e mixer volume ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-8:LMS REQUEST: 06:54:00:f4:34:9e playerpref playDelay ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-9 REQUESTING ZONE STATE FROM LMS +0ms MSG:ZONE-9:LMS REQUEST: 01:54:00:f4:34:9e mixer volume ? +0ms MSG:ZONE-9:LMS REQUEST: 01:54:00:f4:34:9e playerpref playDelay ? +0ms events.js:174 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::7090 at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (net.js:1280:14) at listenInCluster (net.js:1328:12) at Server.listen (net.js:1415:7) at Object.<anonymous> (/opt/music_server/msg/service/index.js:65:4) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32) at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3) at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:831:12) at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:283:19) at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:623:3) Emitted 'error' event at: at emitErrorNT (net.js:1307:8) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19) at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:834:11) at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:283:19) at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:623:3)
Zuletzt geändert von Davejje; 25.01.2021, 08:17.