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  • hismastersvoice
    • 25.08.2015
    • 7227

    fix -> apache2 updates was earlier set to hold because of crashing the system, now there is a separate option in the WebUI->Update to install only apache2 updates (reboot is needed)
    improve -> Equalizer handling
    improve -> Soundcard handling
    new -> Equalizer MBEQ 15 Band is back for internal Zones / if activated EQ can not Setup any longer with Loxone App (tested with X86 Debian 10, Raspberry 10)

    fix -> config.php error if there is no internal Zone (Loxberry Plugin MS4H Client don't recognizes the MS4H)
    improve -> Creating of external Zones now check at saving if client is a Loxberry-MS4H-Plugin Client and setup everything (Client must be already set up and running in the Loxberry Plugin) (Settings of 10 Band still saved)

    Der EQ läuft jetzt auf allen getesteten System wieder ohne Problem. MSG/Loxone App wird ignoriert wenn 15 Band aktiv ist.

    Ich habe den 15 Band EQ noch nicht auf Raspbian 11 Bullseye getestet, ich würde mich freuen wenn jemand der gerade Bullseye am laufen hat kurz feedback geben könnte. Danke
    Zuletzt geändert von hismastersvoice; 09.01.2022, 08:20.
    Kein Support per PN!


    • buki
      buki kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      Vielen Dank für den erneuten Versuch. Ich habe heute einen PI3B mit Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) und MS4H installiert und eine MB EQ15 Zone erstellt.
      Hat leider nicht funktioniert :-( ... wieder nur das bereits bekannte Rauschen. Die EQ10 Zone funktioniert.
      Ich hofffe der Multi-Band EQ darf für die lauffähigen distro trotzdem drin bleiben, dann könnte ich mal wieder auf eine neuere MS4H version updaten.
  • hismastersvoice
    • 25.08.2015
    • 7227

    fix -> Equalizer MBEQ 15 Band is disabled for Debain 11 and Raspbian 11 (search for solution)
    Kein Support per PN!


    • hismastersvoice
      • 25.08.2015
      • 7227

      new -> MS4H-Plugin - Support for grouped GPIO (Plugin Version >= 0.2.5)
      new -> Support for ESP32-Squeezelite CLients / Powermanger / EQ 10-Band is working, because of limited CPU/RAM Events are not total synchronous
      improve -> Creating of external Zones now check at save if client is a PiCorePlayer and setup everything

      fix -> some minor issues
      Kein Support per PN!


      • hismastersvoice
        • 25.08.2015
        • 7227

        fix -> Equalizer MBEQ 15 Band now works also for Debian/Raspbian 11, I believe that this is absolute unique, to get it work it was a total fixing and special recompile necessary. Thanks to @burki for the Raspberry Binarys
        fix -> LMS IP was not set on reboot
        fix -> Loxone Config Templates, fix the escape error for CLI-Templates

        improve -> File handling / Update / Dashboard
        improve -> Navigation for initial setup (Forward to add new player if no player is stored)
        improve -> external Player will only show Zones that are not already setup in the config
        improve -> external Player direct reach of EQ in the DropDown
        Kein Support per PN!


        • kob004
          Dumb Home'r
          • 18.02.2021
          • 11


          sorry for my question, but what is the latest stable version or



          • hismastersvoice
            hismastersvoice kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            Release is / Beta
        • hismastersvoice
          • 25.08.2015
          • 7227

          There are many deep changes in the system
          With this version, many significant changes are made to the system. I recommend the update only for experienced users.


          new -> PowerManager2, new build from scratch, lighter, faster, less resources (90% less CPU usage compared to PM1). Helpful for bigger installations > 10 Player and important for Raspberry etc.
          new -> After saving sound-card in WebUI-Setup the USB-Ports get a static mapping to the port, so the port of a sound card can not change after a reboot (happens very rarely)
          new -> USB-Stick automount/unmount -> /home/music/music_files/USB_X (music-file-dir) X=Label of the USB-Drive or sda1 ect if empty. After mount/unmount LMS starts a scan for music-files
          fix -> Netshare automount setting was ignored, it was always on.
          improve -> Netshare starts after mount/unmount LMS starts a scan for music-files

          change -> Network share mount is not longer @ Setup->Network you can found it under Setup->Storage
          fix -> minor typo fixes

          PM2 has been on my to-do list for a long time, but I've always been a little afraid of the workload because it's a very complex program.
          - Written in PHP
          - new query of the player states
          - CPU friendly
          - faster by ~ 0,5 seconds per status change (amp starts faster)

          CPU Usage new
          Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: 27-02-_2022_22-23-47.jpg
Ansichten: 735
Größe: 17,7 KB
ID: 340444

          CPU Usage old
          Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: 27-02-_2022_22-23-11.jpg
Ansichten: 583
Größe: 18,6 KB
ID: 340445

          I have testet all kind of commands, only KNX I can't test at the moment.
          So please do me the favor to test KNX. There should no issues, the command I use is the same like PM1.

          The manual follows the next day.
          In special USB mounting is not documented at the moment.

          If somebody has bigger issues you can go back to the last best by using the follow command in console
          #mstools update_ms update_1.4.1.8_beta

          Please report the issue before downgrade.
          Kein Support per PN!


          • hismastersvoice
            • 25.08.2015
            • 7227

            new -> Event-Generator - can now play the Event direct or generate a link like for Loxone
            new -> Short-Event - send fast a short message via tts or shortcuts to the zones WebUI->Help->Loxone Helper or http//IP_MS4H/se (Place a Link to the Start-Screen of the Smartphone)

            improve -> Event - try to get a better handling of external Zones
            Kein Support per PN!


            • hismastersvoice
              • 25.08.2015
              • 7227

              improve -> PowerManger2 - looks now for unreachable Player and set right values
              fix -> PowerManeger2 - differs from internal/external Player for AmpAll, AmpAll works now also if the whole system don`t use Loxone VIs

              improve -> Short-Event - shows now visually if a message was send.
              Kein Support per PN!


              • hismastersvoice
                • 25.08.2015
                • 7227

                fix -> PowerManger2 slowdown signals, add AmpAll count proof.
                Kein Support per PN!


                • hismastersvoice
                  • 25.08.2015
                  • 7227

                  fix -> PowerManger2, delay time of 10ms for URL/UDP/KNX-Switch (Zones/all/Groups), Ampall works now if at all Zones PM is set to off
                  Kein Support per PN!


                  • hismastersvoice
                    • 25.08.2015
                    • 7227

                    improve -> PowerManger2, fix some minor issues

                    improve -> Dashboard, faster load speed. On slower systems like Raspberry more than 1 seconds less of load time.
                    improve -> Code cleaning

                    If there are no response with issues this will be Release Candidate!
                    Kein Support per PN!


                    • duncan
                      LoxBus Spammer
                      • 28.08.2015
                      • 312

                      all working great for me - many thanks


                      • hismastersvoice
                        • 25.08.2015
                        • 7227

                        improve -> PowerManager2 - KNX send signal not longer to localhost or, now the signal goes the real IP of the MS4H. Avoids failures.
                        improve -> PowerManager2 - Code cleanup, I think everthing is done now

                        fix -> minor fixes before before release.

                        We going into direction of the next Release
                        Kein Support per PN!


                        • hismastersvoice
                          • 25.08.2015
                          • 7227

                          • new-> Support for Raspbian Bullseye (Raspbian 11)
                          • new -> PowerManager2, new build from scratch, lighter, faster, less resources (90% less CPU usage compared to PM1). Helpful for bigger installations > 10 Player and important for Raspberry etc.
                          • new -> After saving sound-card in WebUI-Setup the USB-Ports get a static mapping to the port, so the port of a sound card can not change after a reboot (happens very rarely)
                          • new -> USB-Stick automount/unmount -> /home/music/music_files/USB_X (music-file-dir) X=Label of the USB-Drive or sda1 ect if empty. After mount/unmount LMS starts a scan for music-files
                          • new -> Support for external Zones with Squeezelite Base, Loxberry MS4H / PluginPiCorePlayer/ ESP32-Squeezelite also supports EQ in WebUI or Loxone App

                          • new -> Short-Event - send fast a short message via tts or shortcuts to the zones WebUI->Help->Loxone Helper or http//IP_MS4H/se (Place a Link to the Start-Screen of the Smartphone)
                          • new -> Player-Context-Menu also includes now play/pause/stop/vol up/vol down, that is sometimes helpfull when you setup the system
                          • new -> Equalizer - MBEQ 15 Band now works also for Debian/Raspbian 11, I believe that this is absolute unique, to get it work it was a total fixing and special recompile necessary. Thanks to @burki for the Raspberry Binarys
                          • new -> Updates - apache2 updates was earlier set to hold because of crashing the system, now there is a separate option in the WebUI->Update to install only apache2 updates (reboot is needed)

                          • new -> use custom signals (&signal=4 to 99), copy your file to \\YOUR_MS4H\Alarm_Ring_Tones\tts_signal and name ist signal_4.mp3, signal_5.mp3 ... signal_99.mp3

                          • fix -> many fixes in all parts of MS4H (see Beta Versions)

                          • update -> new functions / X1 integration / MS4H-Clients
                          Kein Support per PN!


                          • IFLUR
                            IFLUR kommentierte
                            Kommentar bearbeiten
                            Actually only the Version is online? Or is the new Version no Beta Version ?


                            Version installed:
                            Version online:

                          • hismastersvoice
                            hismastersvoice kommentierte
                            Kommentar bearbeiten
                            Turn off beta in WebUI it is Release version
                        • hismastersvoice
                          • 25.08.2015
                          • 7227

                          new -> knx integration -> knxlisten, with more functions for each zone. Group-address for play/stop / volume + - absolute / favorite + - / track + - / sleep, and state return
                          new -> PowerManger2 GPIOs not longer switched by Service pigpio, I use now an own script that works better than pigpio and use no extra CPU-Resources

                          new -> Zone Settings can now set much more KNX functions
                          new -> Language-Translation-Tool, easier translation. Base is always English, you can see direct untranslated variables.
                          new -> Short-Event has now special design for Gira-X1 integration url:http://IP_MS4H/se/index.php?style=x1
                          Kein Support per PN!

