fix -> apache2 updates was earlier set to hold because of crashing the system, now there is a separate option in the WebUI->Update to install only apache2 updates (reboot is needed)
improve -> Equalizer handling
improve -> Soundcard handling
new -> Equalizer MBEQ 15 Band is back for internal Zones / if activated EQ can not Setup any longer with Loxone App (tested with X86 Debian 10, Raspberry 10)
fix -> config.php error if there is no internal Zone (Loxberry Plugin MS4H Client don't recognizes the MS4H)
improve -> Creating of external Zones now check at saving if client is a Loxberry-MS4H-Plugin Client and setup everything (Client must be already set up and running in the Loxberry Plugin) (Settings of 10 Band still saved)
Der EQ läuft jetzt auf allen getesteten System wieder ohne Problem. MSG/Loxone App wird ignoriert wenn 15 Band aktiv ist.
Ich habe den 15 Band EQ noch nicht auf Raspbian 11 Bullseye getestet, ich würde mich freuen wenn jemand der gerade Bullseye am laufen hat kurz feedback geben könnte. Danke