new -> system-control 2, faster response to MS4H-System-Commands (sc) speedup by 50-60% (boot at slow systems e.g. Raspi 3B is up to ~2-3 sec. faster)
new -> Amp-Off on reboot/shutdown, if the system is shut down by set-Command or WebUI, all Player and Amps switch to off (VI/URL/UDP/cRelay/GPIO/KNX/GPIO-MS4H-Plugin...)
new -> Watchdog, checks all configured Services every 30 seconds if they run, if not the watchdog restarts the services. Can be temporary disable in the WebUI.
new -> Support for Raspbian/DietPi Bullseye 64Bit (Raspberry/RockPi4), DietPi for X86 64Bit will follow soon
improve -> Code / Variable cleanup
new -> support for Raspbian/DietPi Bullseye 64Bit (include 15-Band mbeq Equalizer)
improve -> PowerManager, before saving new data, all old amp-connections will switch to off.
improve -> Code / Variable cleanup
fix -> PowerManger2, URL don't work if special character was in the URL.