Starting over: room mode?

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  • J V
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 367


    Starting over: room mode?

    It has been a while since I played around with my config, and it will still be a bit longer: I'm away for longer time from my Loxone installation due to work reasons.
    But I thought of rewriting the entire config. One reason is that the update from 6.x to 7.x messed up my naming scheme, the second reason is that I know have a much better feeling for how to program for it and how things work (and do not work) together and also for what I need. I will also be moving from 7.x to 8.x, as my number of devices that is incompatible with the latest android app is falling.

    I'm mainly looking to integrate my existing knx (lights + thermostat), media (sqeeuzebox + kodi).

    Given that there now is a Windows Loxone Control, I'm actually also interested in the Room Mode. Which blocks are used in the room mode?

    Any other new functionality in Loxone Config 8 that is a bit hidden but (potentially) useful ?


  • J V
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 367

    Well, I got the answer on the room mode question. The blocks that show up as interfaces in the room mode are:
    - Autopilot Blinds
    - Lighting Controller
    - Music Zone (Loxone Music Server)
    - Intelligent Room Controller
    - Sauna
    - Burglar Alarm
    Hope this helps someone.

    Still not sure if the roommode is the best thing for me, as I would love to have weather and media information on the screen (but don't have a Loxone music server nor a weather subscrition). But perhaps I will go back to my very first idea and create a webpage that displays what I want. First to make order in my config.

    Meanwhile, the change from Loxone Config 7.x to 8.x is quite big. Starting from scratch seems like too much hassle (custom icons, ...), so I will probably import my current config and then rework it internally.


    • philox
      LoxBus Spammer
      • 16.06.2016
      • 280

      Do you have a Loxberry server running?
      If you do you could use the 4.0 release (still beta) of the Wunderground4Loxone plugin to display the weather info for your location without a subscription.
      I know that every link I posted is in german, but maybe you can googletranslate your way through it and we´ll help you with the rest?


      • J V
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 28.08.2015
        • 367


        I don't have one running yet, but am thinking of adding one. At the moment, I'm away from my installation for longer (2 years!), so for sure I'm not going to do anything very fast. But I figured I can reorganize my config, rewrite it a bit to make better use of the new Loxone Config features and prepare for when I return. My previous config works, but got a bit messy through development and conversion in different Loxone Config versions. Some things were missing and now I have a much better idea what I need and how to do it, so I would rewrite most of it.

        I noticed LoxBerry, and was thinking of running one in VirtualBox (I have a computer on most of the time when I'm home as media server), the fact that weather-info could be used as if it is native would be great. But raspberry's are cheap, and I was thinking: if it runs alongside a windowmanager, one could add a touchscreen to the raspberry, run a full screen browser and have a nice interface; I perhaps that could be doable.
        It is a shame the audio functionality is closed to Loxone's own music server; it would be nice if that would be open to e.g. LMS. I still have to figure out if the Loxberry plugin adds something if I do not need the player from it, but I don't think so.

        I also noticed HomeAssistant ( ), and thought that it could also be an option for a user interface, and one that integrates with Squeezebox and other hardware.

