It has been a while since I played around with my config, and it will still be a bit longer: I'm away for longer time from my Loxone installation due to work reasons.
But I thought of rewriting the entire config. One reason is that the update from 6.x to 7.x messed up my naming scheme, the second reason is that I know have a much better feeling for how to program for it and how things work (and do not work) together and also for what I need. I will also be moving from 7.x to 8.x, as my number of devices that is incompatible with the latest android app is falling.
I'm mainly looking to integrate my existing knx (lights + thermostat), media (sqeeuzebox + kodi).
Given that there now is a Windows Loxone Control, I'm actually also interested in the Room Mode. Which blocks are used in the room mode?
Any other new functionality in Loxone Config 8 that is a bit hidden but (potentially) useful ?