the Sonos Plugin for LoxBerry does now support max. 51 Languages by max. 135 diff. voices. In addition to that i have almost completely optimized the plugin and added some new features. If you are interested to test the BETA Version, you can download and install the files from Github (branch: testing)
The BETA release will be installed in parallel to existing installation, since the installation directory is "sonos4lox_dev".
It runs now stable for ~10 days and especially the T2S and the group management functions are much more faster. There are a few number of optimizations, new features, Bugfix fixes which I described briefly in the German Wiki under NEW !! [BETA] Release 2.0 "Sonos goes multilingual. If the release is stable for the next 3 weeks i will release it officially. Please use the BETA release not in connection with the MS because of later on official release the path from "sonos4lox_dev" will change to "sonos4lox". Problems etc. please post in this thread.
have fun Oliver
BTW: The Config Website is also translated into English, but doesn't work right now. Once fixed i let you know.