It seems I need some help to set up a lighting controller properly.
I have a deployment with loxone DALI extensions and I want to implement the following scenario:
Environment: a room without pushbuttons, equipped with loxone motion sensor tree
1. Normally, all lights in a room should be dimmed to 30%, when there's a motion - dim up to 100% and stay in this condition for some time (say, 20 minutes). Let's assume I could probably extend this part with schedule, but it's not the point of question
2. When needed, motion sensor should be disabled and manual control should be in effect - I need to completely switch lights on/off for indefinite period of time.
The point is that I can implement 1 OR 2, but when I try to combine - I get some unpredictable results: either lights go off in TH (but should stay on permanently) or a motion sensor won't produce any effect at all. Basically, I can't get lighting controller to initial conditions.
I use virtual input to override motion sensor (photo 1) with DisM - no luck.
I tried to use virtual input together with AND logical element to directly override motion sensor signal (photo 2) - still no luck.
What am I missing? How could I get it working stable?
Thanks in advance.
BR, Cyrill