Need help with parametrizing loxone lighting controller

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    Need help with parametrizing loxone lighting controller

    Hello everyone,

    It seems I need some help to set up a lighting controller properly.

    I have a deployment with loxone DALI extensions and I want to implement the following scenario:

    Environment: a room without pushbuttons, equipped with loxone motion sensor tree
    1. Normally, all lights in a room should be dimmed to 30%, when there's a motion - dim up to 100% and stay in this condition for some time (say, 20 minutes). Let's assume I could probably extend this part with schedule, but it's not the point of question
    2. When needed, motion sensor should be disabled and manual control should be in effect - I need to completely switch lights on/off for indefinite period of time.

    The point is that I can implement 1 OR 2, but when I try to combine - I get some unpredictable results: either lights go off in TH (but should stay on permanently) or a motion sensor won't produce any effect at all. Basically, I can't get lighting controller to initial conditions.

    I use virtual input to override motion sensor (photo 1) with DisM - no luck.

    I tried to use virtual input together with AND logical element to directly override motion sensor signal (photo 2) - still no luck.

    What am I missing? How could I get it working stable?

    Thanks in advance.

    BR, Cyrill

  • Christian Fenzl
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 31.08.2015
    • 11234

    You could do that by your own, without lightning controller. That's easier.

    First, use a Radiobutton, and define three states: Off, On, Auto.
    It has an analogue output with the number of the program.
    Insert a Status (state) block and drag the output of the radio button to I1 of the status block.
    Insert some time delay block for your motion sensor, e.g. with 60 seconds (first, for testing), and connect it to status block I2.

    Connect your light to AQ of the status block.

    Now define the logic by double-clicking the status block:
    If I1 is 0 (Off) -> Output 0
    If I1 is 1 (On) -> Output 100
    If I1 is 2 (Auto) and I2 (motion) is 1 -> 100
    else output is 30.

    With three logic blocks everything is done.
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      Dear Christian,

      Many thanks on this - at least simulation produces the exact results I need. I will try to implement it on hardware tomorrow - will post the results.

      Best regards, Cyrill