PV panels and power consumption

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    PV panels and power consumption

    Hello people!

    I recently started trying to visualize my power consumption in my Loxone system. I installed a 3-phase power consumption meter (VOLTCRAFT VSM-102) and hooked that up to a Utility Meter Block using the pulse output. Of course, this also measure the production of my PV installation. To solve this I used to pulse out of the "green current" meters we need to have installed here in Belgium (em10-din.av8.1.x.01.p) to two additional Utility Meter Blocks (I have two PV circuits).

    And now for my question. I have three nice separate graphs now (consumption+PV, PV1 and PV2), but is rhere a way to combine them to see my real power consumption?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Gast

    Probably the best way is to use the Add function block to combine all the values and then feed the output of the add function block into your Utility Meter Block. I have 3 phase power and 3 phase PV, but i'm using 2 Loxone 3 Phase meters for collecting my generation and consumption figures. Maybe you could post a screenshot of your config.


    • Gast

      Currently I have the following:

      - One Utility Meter Block (UMB) for PV 1, uses pulses on Tr
      - Second UMB for PV 2, uses pulses on Tr
      - Third UMB for all power (so including power generated by bot PV installations), uses pulses on Tr

      I feed the AQa outputs of all UMB's to a formala block where I do some math (UMB3 - UMB2 - UMB1) and feed that result to a fourth UMB that displays my real power consumption.

      This worked however I the results are not correct (for some reason I end up with huge numbers). I changed my setup so I feed the AQ (not AQa) outputs to the fourth UMB and I'll check tomorrow if that gives me a correct value.

      Below a screenshot of my config.

      ** Update: seems AQp produces results that seem logical.
      Angehängte Dateien
      Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 12.11.2015, 16:15.


      • Gast

        What you are trying to achieve might be able to be done with the Utility Meter, but you are better off using the Energy Monitor function block as it has some really nice features and is specifically designed to track solar PV generation and consumption with dedicated inputs. I've attached a copy of my config. The great thing about the energy monitor is that it shows how much energy is either being imported or exported in realtime (see attached screenshot - taken at night so Solar PV generation is currently zero). You also then have the ability to produce graphs based on Power / Energy Consumption and Power / Energy Generation.

        The reason that I have a Solar Energy Monitor and Main Energy Monitor is that I want to be able to see the total amount of Solar generated on any given day and this shows purely solar generation. Whereas the Main Energy Monitor is showing the excess solar energy that is being sent back to the grid (or offset against consumption).

        Also, the formula that is applied to my solar Pp input is (I1)*-1. Basically it's converting the positive number that the energy meter input is producing and converting it to a negative number so that the Energy Monitor function block correctly handles the PV and Consumption. Without this, it would add the PV generation figure to the consumption figure and provide incorrect values. It depends on whether your input is provided as a positive or negative number. Use Live View to check the numbers.

        Hope this makes sense.
        Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 12.11.2015, 21:18.


        • Gast

          Thanks Gary, that does look alot better then my config! I'll experiment with the EM tomorrow. I think I'll still need the UM to process the pulse outputs though since the EM doesn't seem to have any inputs for those. Thanks for the suggestion!

