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my name is Nicolas. I am living in Switzerland.
I have just bought a Miniserver+Air base extension and a few Air accessories to switch from my z-wave setup and go for a "more-wired" domotic.
The initial wiring and first boot of the miniserver was good but I can not use web interface nor iOS app.
It loads the scripts (11) then stops with an error : "Csn not load informations for the App".
Is your Loxone on the same network as the device that you are using to try and connect? If not, it may be a firewall issue on your router, i.e. the firewall is blocking traffic between the two networks
Yes, you can nominate a port. By default this is port 80 so it should be ok. I'll need to check this evening where this is. I think it's under the menu "miniserver configuration". Are you able to connect with the miniserver in loxone config?
Yes, you can nominate a port. By default this is port 80 so it should be ok. I'll need to check this evening where this is. I think it's under the menu "miniserver configuration". Are you able to connect with the miniserver in loxone config?
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Ok. I will check that port in the configuration software. I can connect with loxone config (under Win7 with VirtualBox on MacOS X).
That is strange to me is that I can load the web interface to log in and it configures "11 scripts" before the error occurs. So it seems it can connect and exchange data with the Miniserver...
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