KNX - Loxone - Garden Light - Alarm integration

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    KNX - Loxone - Garden Light - Alarm integration

    Hi, All,
    Can someone make an example for following situation:

    I have an outside light that i want to function completely automatically.

    I use the standard lighting controller.
    Output: AQ1 => knx 0/0/7 output for activation of the outdoor light
    R => "puls for sunrise", and for now an "timer puls at 23h00" so the light doesn't stay on all night
    O => "puls for sunset" so lights go on when it's dark
    Dis => "daylight" so the lights can't be turned on when it is light outside.
    Th = 180
    MT = 600
    Mv = Gate (Status via KNX 7/6/0 / Memory Flag)

    What i want to do:

    Lights go off:
    - when it's day-time (light) => i have a KNX weather station, so a LUX value can be read out 6/0/0 is the lux value, i made a "Memory Flag" function for it
    - when it is 23h00

    Lights go ON:
    - in the evening when it is getting dark in the evening (via lux value)
    - in the morning, when it is early for example between 05h00 and 09h00, lights has to turn on the moment the alarm system is unarmed Or the movement sensor of the alarm system has seen movement for the 1 time that same morning.

    The movement sensor sends a KNX 1/0 command every time a persons is detected.

    - when the outside gate(fence) is openend, the light has to go on (even if it is for example 01h00), light has to stay on if the gate is still opened. When the gate closes the lights can go out after a timed event.. i suppos i can use the "movement" input for this ?

    Anyone any help or Improvements for this logic?
    I hope it helps other people also on there programming!

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ID: 118737

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