Texecom - Arming and Disarming Alarm Panel from Loxone

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    Texecom - Arming and Disarming Alarm Panel from Loxone

    I have the Texecom PC Com module connected to the Loxone RS232 module and I'm able to receive outputs from the alarm panel into the Loxone system (Arming, Disaming, Zone Status, etc.)
    This enables me to use the Loxone system to trigger Cloud dialler for alarm activations, use PIR's to trigger lighting etc, which is all working well.

    However, a few users say that they have managed to get communications working the other way, however I haven't seen anybody share how they have achieved this.

    Apparently it is possible to send RS232 commands from the Loxone Panel to Arm and Disarm the Texecom panel by sending the 6 digit user code along with Y for full system arming, however I can't get this to work.

    I have managed to send commands such as LSTATUS and ASTATUS to get the LCD and Area statuses back from the alarm panel so I know that 2 way communication is working OK, but I can't send the arming codes and get the system to remote arm.

    Has anybody managed to achieve this? and if so, would you be willing to share how you set this up in Loxone Config?

    Any help, greatly appreciated.
    Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 16.11.2015, 16:22.
  • Gast

    Update on my original post - I've managed to send individual KEYx commands to the Texecom Panel. I created push buttons for each of the KEY0 to KEY9 actuators along with KEYA, KEYY etc.
    If i enter the 6 digit number from the Loxone by pressing the relevant push buttons, then I can arm and disarm the Texecom panel using the Loxone App, but it's far from a seamless end user experience.

    A couple of challenges I have are:

    1. I have 4 area's on my panel which need to be armed / disarmed individually (and/or collectively).
    2. The actuator outputs can only be used once, therefore can anybody recommend a way to achieve sending the relevant Actuator responses without requiring 9 to 10 memory flags per area.
    3. Is there a way to use some form of separator to send multiple commands to the texecom RS232 interface, so that I could for example create one actuator to send the following (6 digit user number, arm area B as a string. I've tried sending the following using various separators without any success KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, KEY4, KEY5, KEY6, KEYA, KEY2, KEYY
    4. Has anybody managed to integrate the LCD Statuses to feed back into the user interface


    • Automation
      • 23.08.2015
      • 663

      I do not know the alarmsystem at all, but sometimes such systems have the need, that you enable the possibility for remote arm/disarm on the alarmdevice itself.

      Gesendet von meiner Steintafel mit Tapas
      En Gruäss us de Schwiiz
      KNX seit 2005
      Miniserver seit Jan. 2011


      • Gast

        Zitat von Gary Collins
        Update on my original post - I've managed to send individual KEYx commands to the Texecom Panel. I created push buttons for each of the KEY0 to KEY9 actuators along with KEYA, KEYY etc.
        If i enter the 6 digit number from the Loxone by pressing the relevant push buttons, then I can arm and disarm the Texecom panel using the Loxone App, but it's far from a seamless end user experience.

        A couple of challenges I have are:

        1. I have 4 area's on my panel which need to be armed / disarmed individually (and/or collectively).
        2. The actuator outputs can only be used once, therefore can anybody recommend a way to achieve sending the relevant Actuator responses without requiring 9 to 10 memory flags per area.
        3. Is there a way to use some form of separator to send multiple commands to the texecom RS232 interface, so that I could for example create one actuator to send the following (6 digit user number, arm area B as a string. I've tried sending the following using various separators without any success KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, KEY4, KEY5, KEY6, KEYA, KEY2, KEYY
        4. Has anybody managed to integrate the LCD Statuses to feed back into the user interface
        I'm still playing around with the integration between my Texecom Alarm and Loxone kit and still have not managed to find the "seperator" value to send multiple commands to the texecom RS232 interface. I would also be interested to know if anyone has managed to integrate the LCD Statuses to feed back into the user interface?

        Thank you


        • richard@ihome.solutions
          • 03.03.2019
          • 3

          Hello Gary,

          I am busy with the same project, I am using the Texecom Premier Elite 64W panel, but I cannot get the RS232 monitor to display clear text, I've read a few articles and I should be receiving clear text. Were you ever able to arm and disarm from Loxone?

          Sincerely Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

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          • Gast

            You serial interface parameters appear to be correct. Check your cable / connections.


            • richard@ihome.solutions
              • 03.03.2019
              • 3

              Hello, the problem was I needed a TTL driver on the wire between the panel and the RS232 extension. Has been working well for many months, have done some commercial deployments.

