Status visualization for KMTronic RS485 Relay

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    Status visualization for KMTronic RS485 Relay

    Is here anybody who can help me to get status (Visualization) for KMTronic RS485 Relay. I figured out how to turn On/Off relays using R485 Actors.
    Unfortunately I'm not able to get the status of each relays. I know to get the status I shoul call relay using R485 actor and then check R485 Sensor for the answer. I would apreciate some example, or printscreen from Config how to put it together. Thanks in advance.
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    Da ich nun einige Monate das Modul von KMTronic getestet habe ein kleines Howto dazu... Hardware Loxone RS485 ~ 168€ KMTronic 8-Kanal-Relaismodul RS485 / 10A ~


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      Thank you for the link. I already saw this topic. Unfortunately I was not able to create working solution. I would need to see diagram (program) in config.

