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I haven't found a way to do this yet. I don't think it's possible - it's a shame that Loxone lets us capture data with a HTTP Virtual Input (limited to a GET) but doesn't give us the same facility with the HTTP Output
I've ended up using a raspberry PI to send UDP commands to the Loxone. I've got the PI mounted in my loxone enclosure in a special case that clips onto the DIN rail, and also a 24v -> 2v DIN rail power adaptor that powers the PI.
Your other option us to use a Program block and write a custom script.
1st possibility is to write custom script. I used ASPX, which transforms POST command to UDP and send it to Loxone, all works, all tested, all fine, but you have to have web server running somewhere and then use Log Manager
2nd possibility is to set up Debug Log to Info, set there IP of Loxone and create UDP listener on Loxone to port 514 and start capturing tested, works, all good... except the fact if something goes wrong on GDS it starts sending a lot of debug messages to Loxone which could cause the device to overload... (currently this is happening to me with ONVIF camera access).
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