Sonos alarm triggering Loxone event

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    Sonos alarm triggering Loxone event

    I am new to this forum and have been looking for Sonos/Loxone integration methods and there is quite some information to be found where a Loxone event (e.g. push of a button) triggers a Sonos event. But has anyone experience with the other way around: a Sonos event triggering a Loxone action. A practical use case could be: when a Sonos wake-up alarm sounds in the morning, automatically turn on the lights in the sleeping room.
  • duncan
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 313

    i had a similar problem using logitech media centre and decided to reverse the process - i use loxone alarm clock and use it to trigger a light scene and play music when the alarm goes off


    • Gast

      Thanks for your reply Duncan. That is certainly an option and - as mentioned - this forum contains more details around this option. Still I would like to explore the other way around as well - predominantly to do my wife a favor... But maybe this is a dead-end. It seems you spend some time researching this yourself already. I do own a RasperryPi and I've also seen there is a growing Loxberry community. Maybe another place I should take a further look.


      • Liver_64
        Liver_64 kommentierte
        Kommentar bearbeiten
        you can use the LoxBerry Sonos Plugin which provides inputs from Sonos to Loxone