Lost password for loxone miniserver!

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    Lost password for loxone miniserver!

    I can find the miniserver on the network, but don't remember the username and password (username is probably admin). So I can't access it.
    how do I connect to my miniserver? How to I reset the password aswell preferably without loosing any data.

    Please help!
  • Thomas M.
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 25.08.2015
    • 3250

    Do you think loxone would offer a possibility to reset admin password, without losing any data?
    i beg to differ

    ​​​​​​every twit could "hack" any miniserver and easily open the main door.
    This would open the door to mischief and mayhem in many smarthomes.

    it also could be possible you are trying to hack miniservers and you're looking for possibilities 😆
    Zuletzt geändert von Thomas M.; 25.05.2018, 06:24.


    • Robert L.
      MS Profi
      • 26.08.2015
      • 922

      so you dont have saved your password in LoxConfig connection dialog?

      first there are BACKUP files of your config on your PC, (loxCC Files, )
      C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Loxone\Loxone Config\Backups\Backup_.....74026_09000926\prog\
      open it, and change password..

      get an NEW SD Card,
      Format it with Loxone Config
      put empty project on it
      connect to MiniServer
      transfer your config with new password..

      if you dont have a backup:
      put your original SD card in to the PC

      in the \prog folder there is the config


      • Gast

        Ok. So I checked the SD card, which is totally empty for some reason. I looked through old files that I had. In it I have the files and folders:
        File: Enebakkveien 193.Itik.LoxPLAN
        Folder: Loxone Config
        |-> File: custom.txt
        |-> Folder: Backup_{MY.IP}
        |-> custom.txt
        |-> log
        |-> prog -> in this one it is zip File: sps.zip -> which contains a sps folder -> sps.LoxPLAN and sps.LoxPLAN.bin (None of these contain any passwords)
        |-> sys
        |-> user
        Folder: LoxPLAN
        |-> Enebakkveien 193.Itik.LoxPLAN
        |-> Enebakkveien 193.Itik.LoxPLAN.backup


        • Robert L.
          MS Profi
          • 26.08.2015
          • 922

          >So I checked the SD card, which is totally empty for some reason.

          the SD out of the miniserver?
          what exactly did you do, to find out it is "empty"

          >Enebakkveien 193.Itik.LoxPLAN

          is this your (current) config?

          what Version (config/miniserver) do you use?
          Zuletzt geändert von Robert L.; 25.05.2018, 12:00.


          • Gast
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            I don't have any adapters for the mini sd card, so I inserted in my galaxy s7 and connected it through it. It had 0 elements as well as 100% free space.

            I haven't touched the mini server for 2-3 years. And it was my electrician who sat it up (he is now gone.) I believe Enebakkveien 193.Itik.LoxPLAN is my config file yes
        • Robert L.
          MS Profi
          • 26.08.2015
          • 922

          you should not so such experiments like "inserted in my galaxy s7"..

          buy an adapter!


          • Gast
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            it even though had 100% free space.