Virtual http command cant retrieve values???

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  • ty5500
    Smart Home'r
    • 11.06.2018
    • 37


    Virtual http command cant retrieve values???


    I would like to receive weather info via openweathermap. I subscribed there and received a dedicated api.
    I than can create a link like to get the weather data.

    I've added the link as a virtual http input. Than i added a virtual http input command to get the actual temperature.
    i've tried
    <temperature value="\v

    and a lot other options that i forgot.
    i've also tried with removing the &mode=xml from the link to try and get the data from the site in a different format. I've tried changing the \ v to 1,#,...

    Nothing however seems to work. In liveview the value remains 0 of the virtual input.

    Any suggestions on what i 'm doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.
    Zuletzt geändert von ty5500; 11.06.2018, 23:20.
  • romildo
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 25.08.2015
    • 5144

    Zitat von ty5500
    ...I've added the link as a virtual http input. Than i added a virtual http input command to get the actual temperature.
    <temperature value="\v
    This configuration should work.

    URL: The complete Link You show above
    Command recognition: temperature value="\v

    Did You safe it into your miniserver, and did you wait the time you set into Polling cycle [s]?
    lg Romildo


    • ty5500
      Smart Home'r
      • 11.06.2018
      • 37

      Zitat von romildo
      This configuration should work.

      URL: The complete Link You show above
      Command recognition: temperature value="\v

      Did You safe it into your miniserver, and did you wait the time you set into Polling cycle [s]?
      It works now. The command was as you said correct. My miniservers subnet gateway/dns server however wasnt configured correctly (not with the ip adress of the router) and this caused it to not be able to retrieve the values. Thanks!!


      • romildo
        romildo kommentierte
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        You´re welcom.