Monitoring of motion sensors

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    Monitoring of motion sensors

    I want to to arm the alarm automatically when the set of conditions is fulfilled.
    - there are no smartphones in the wifi network
    - there is no trigger for motion sensors for a while
    - last triggered sensor - on the front door

    The first point works for me. Question on the second and third.
    Tell me, what blocks in the loxone config it can be implemented.
  • Christian Fenzl
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 31.08.2015
    • 11234

    For 2.
    Place a Switch-Off Delay oy your page. Connect all motion sensor outputs to the Tr and define "a while" with the time parameter.
    When all sensors did not detect for "a while", the output is 0.

    For 3.
    Place a flipflop (you may also take a switch) block on your page.
    Connect the front door sensor to the S(et)-Input.
    Connect all other motion sensors to the R(eset) connector.
    The output of the flipflop is 1 if it was the last sensor triggered, otherwise it is 0.

    Zuletzt geändert von Christian Fenzl; 25.07.2018, 23:25.
    Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


    • romildo
      romildo kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      Hallo Christian
      Es gibt kein flopflop und an Stelle von monoflop meinst Du sicher das FlipFlop
      Könnte sonst missverständlich sein.

    • Christian Fenzl
      Christian Fenzl kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      romildo Danke, hab’s ausgebessert!