I used the loxone config , I met the message: configuration not identical !

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    I used the loxone config , I met the message: configuration not identical !

    The Loxone config show me the messages : below picture , when I want to save the configuration to the miniserver . I have changed the serial number to the back of miniserver serial number.
    Who can explain to me ?
    Thanks lot !!

  • Automation
    • 23.08.2015
    • 663

    That's because the config on the MS is not the same as you have opened in config file.

    Gesendet von meiner Steintafel mit Tapas
    En Gruäss us de Schwiiz
    KNX seit 2005
    Miniserver seit Jan. 2011


    • Gast

      Automation , Thanks . How can I sync the config on the MS ?


      • PR-Homesystem
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 25.08.2015
        • 235

        If you are not sure what are the changes
        Download config from Miniserver
        Angehängte Dateien
        Gruß aus Ostfriesland



        • Gast

          PR-Homesystem , Thanks , I want to try . But I found that I connected the miniserver , "Load from Miniserver","Save in Miniserver " both are grey color .


          • Gast

            I want to factory reset the Miniserver , I connected it , and fromat SD . got the message : below picture.


            • MightyLox
              LoxBus Spammer
              • 22.10.2015
              • 208

              Some SD cards have a lock switch on the left side of the SD card.
              Haus: Neubau Start 22.11.15, EG/OG, 2 Pers./Kind/Hund, Massivhaus, Heizlast 7,52 KW
              Loxone: 1x MS, 2x Ext, 1x DMX
              KNX: 2x 8er & 8x 4er MDT Glastaster (mit Temp), Rollläden MDT AKU-1616.01, MDT AMI-1216.01 True RMS Steckdosen, MDT Wetter, MDT SCN-P360K4.01 Präsenzmelder
              Licht: DMX LED Beleuchtung (24V/230V)
              Heizung: LWWP Waterkotte Basic BS 7010.5, Webinterface Modbus TCP
              Projektseite: https://www.loxforum.com/forum/mein-...neubau-2015-16


              • Gast

                Thanks , everyone . Those issues have gone , when I save the configuration to local computer (c:\loxone)!!! before I use the share path to save .


                • Automation
                  • 23.08.2015
                  • 663

                  If both buttons are grey, then you are not connected to the Miniserver. Connect first...

                  Gesendet von meiner Steintafel mit Tapas
                  En Gruäss us de Schwiiz
                  KNX seit 2005
                  Miniserver seit Jan. 2011

