I format the Micro SD card at laptop , then Miniserver isn't running !!
I format the Micro SD card at laptop , then Miniserver isn't running !!
I read the document , When I format the Micro SD card then insert it into Miniserver , only the Red led is on and other led flashed quickly . when I insert it to Miniserver !! I can't operator any thing . How can I do ?Stichworte: - -
Use the Loxone Config. Maintenance -> Format SD card.Haus: Neubau Start 22.11.15, EG/OG, 2 Pers./Kind/Hund, Massivhaus, Heizlast 7,52 KW
Loxone: 1x MS, 2x Ext, 1x DMX
KNX: 2x 8er & 8x 4er MDT Glastaster (mit Temp), Rollläden MDT AKU-1616.01, MDT AMI-1216.01 True RMS Steckdosen, MDT Wetter, MDT SCN-P360K4.01 Präsenzmelder
Licht: DMX LED Beleuchtung (24V/230V)
Heizung: LWWP Waterkotte Basic BS 7010.5, Webinterface Modbus TCP
Projektseite: https://www.loxforum.com/forum/mein-...neubau-2015-16Kommentar
MightyLox , Thanks , Now the SD card is working , and two leds both are green . but I can't ping the default ip : .Kommentar