I somehow managed to recently download a beta version of loxone config, Im not sure how i managed to do this as ive never registered as a beta tester and ive always downloaded directly from the downloads page from loxones website anyway the problem i now have is that ive recently ammended one of our on going jobs using this beta version. The mini server was also upgraded to suit.
Anyway it was only after doing this that i noticed i was on this beta so i uninstalled i re-installed the stable 7.1.30 from the website.. The problem i now face is that i can no longer edit or open the config for the job im working on i also have no idea on how to get hold of the beta version i was using I the first place especially as ive cleaned out the downloads folder !!
Currently i have my fingers crossed hoping that loxone release a stable 7.2 pretty soon, or at least before i need to ammend the job. but failing that, does anyone know where i could get a beta version in the as the worse case, at least i could continue to work on the system.
i think the beta version i was using was but im not 100% sure.
It would be great if anyone coukld help me out