push button overrules stairwell light switch

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    push button overrules stairwell light switch


    i'm trying to figure out if there is a way to have a pushbutton overrule a stairwell light switch.

    Meaning : sensor activates timer in stairwell light switch. Light goes on for 60 sec. But i want to be able to overrule with a pushbutton press to have light continuously on.

    Example : pir goes on for 60 sec, i push button and light goes out, push button and light goes on indefinitely, push button and light is back out (pir can take back control)...

    I created a setup with exclusive or and additional resetting of the stairwell switch when the button is pushed. Remaining problem in this setup is that when the light is on (by push button) the sensor overrules again... I could ofcourse cable the sensor through a hardware relais and simply power it down when the push button is pressed... But perhaps it is still possible through logic...?
  • Gast

    Hi, yes you can do it, it's simple.
    you have to use light control block, and use the inputs correctly. Push button on + input. PIR on MV input and use the scenes. Scene 1: All On, Scene 2: All Off
    Try this, I have a light outside, that works as you want. Take a look on the picture, are in Spanish, but you can see how it's done.

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