I'm trying to control a Marantz receiver from Loxone. This receiver is connected with an rs232 port to a pc; at the moment, the pc runs Eventghost and interprets tcp commands which get translated in the software to serial port commands sent to the receiver; it also sends http-commands to the Loxone to tell the status. This approach is difficult to maintain (too much steps) and I don't manage to receive automated status changes from the receiver. So I'm changing my approach. The pc runs a LoxBerry on Hyper-V, and I'm looking at the following options:
- serial-port to named pipe ( e.g. https://github.com/albertjan/PipeToCom ), pipe to virtual comport on Hyper-V, Loxberry serial plugin ( https://www.loxwiki.eu/display/LOXBE...ial-USB-Bridge )
- serial-port to udp (e.g. https://sourceforge.net/projects/scriptcommunicator/ with https://sourceforge.net/projects/routeserialtcpudp/ )
- serial-port to tcp (similar tools as above).
I thought of the approach 1. when I realized I could use the Loxberry serial plugin; it got more complicated when I realized that Hyper-V does not simply take physical com-ports. This led me to option 2. I think it could be the most elegant, with the least amount of connection issues (no handshake or so, no inbetween software). Option 3 may also not be bad, but IIRC, there are more limits to receiving TCP packets on Loxberry than receiving UDP packets.
Any thoughts on this? Any suggestions for other approaches or better softwaretools?